Dans anouncment/ Late Lunch (filler Chapter)

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No ones POV

Dan called the entire cast to the Roof Garden/Lounge of the Hotel. ⬇️

Everyone wondered why since it was only 12:30 p

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Everyone wondered why since it was only 12:30 p.m. "So you're probably all wondering why you're all here." He said. Everyone nodded. "As you know most all Nickelodeon stars except for Mace, Jade, and Maeve have gone back to L.A. And Reiya left to go film Degrassi." Everyone nodded again. "Now, you all seem to love it here, and NRDD has filmed all of season 5 and so has HD. Which leaves us another 3 months to kill. So, we will all be staying here till April! Specificly April 5th. " He says. Everyone gets all excited. "Wait, Dan, what about our parents." Jace asked. "Your parents have already been notified." Dan nodded. "What about school. Mace and I still have school." Ella says. "I know, which is why you have a tutor 3 days a week still." He smiled. Ella nodded. "And this all free?" Cooper asked. "Yes, for you guys." He answered. "This is great!! We get to spend the rest of winter in New York and apart of spring too!  And all the views and things. This is gonna be amazing." Riele sighed happily. Jace smiled and put his arm around her. "But, will our parents be able to visit?" Jade asked. "Of course, I wouldnt let them not see you. Infact, at 2:00 we are all going for a late lunch so you guys better get ready." Dan announced. "Wait, so all of our parents are here in NY right now?" Asked Jace. "Yes, at hotels a few blocks away, yes. But theyre getting ready." Dan said. "For how long. "4 days." He answered. "Sweet. Did Mom bring Henry." Xander asked. "No, and only Glory and your mother came, your dad is home working and taking care of Henry." Dan answered.  Xander and Jace both nodded. "Is Mom visiting?" Riele asked. "Yes." "Are my brothers here with my mom?" Ella asked. "Yes they are." Ella got excited when Dans said that. "My mom is here right?" Asked Jade. "Okay I'll just tell you all who's here. Jade, your mom is here. Riele your mom is here. Sean, both your parents are here. Jace and Xander, your mom and Glory are here. Ella, your mom and your brothers are here. Maeve, your mom and her friend Alyssa are here. Mace, your mom and your aunt are here." He read off the list. They all got excited and started talking until Dan stopped them and told them to get ready. "Wait, Dan, is this fancy or casual." Riele asked. "Panera bread is pretty casual." Dan smiled. Then they all left to get ready.

Soon enough everyone came down to the lobby just in time for their Ubers and looking casual, but amazing.

Jace and Riele, Ella and Mace all rode in one uber, Sean and Jade, Xander and Maeve all rode in another one

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Jace and Riele, Ella and Mace all rode in one uber, Sean and Jade, Xander and Maeve all rode in another one. Dan took his own. (A/n I live in CT and its 1:47 a.m. on Monday 1/23/16 and its windy rn and a little bit rainy and I'm kinda freaked out tbh. Its just wind tho. Comment what state u live in down below, or country if u live out of the U.S.) Cooper and Liz didnt go. Once everyone was at Panera bread they all started talking. Afterall no one had seen their parents in 3 months. For the rest of the day they all just went back to their hotels to be lazy, it wasnt much.

I told you guys it was a filler chapter. Its short. The next one is gonna be a filler chapter too. But then, its Just Jace and Riele part 2 fam.  💛😜 Cant wait to write it.

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