Chapter 5: The Mission

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Chapter 5: The Mission

“What’s going on?” I whispered to Carter.

“We’re just going on a brief mission. Professor will take us to a random location. Last week we went to a place two hours away by jet. Then he will give us something to do within a certain time period such as finding a certain object or just working with other people.” Carter informed me.

We rode in silence on the private jet for what seemed like hours but was really only twenty minutes.

Towards the end of the private jet ride, Professor Harris stood up and started talking about the mission.

“Students, we will be arriving in the metropolitan area of Nottingham in about ten minutes. I will pair you in groups of two. Melissa you can be with Mackenzie.” Professor Harris continued to pair people up, he got to me and said “Umm, Taylor you can be with Addison. You will tail them for two hours. Find out as much as you can about them. When we get back to Shergold, you will have a quiz on your person. I want you to know the bare minimum of their name, why they are here, and any other information you can pick up. I expect you to use the skills that you have learned. Report back to the private jet in two hours. Good luck.” Professor Harris explained as he handed us a few gadgets that I didn’t recognize.

“This is going to be really hard. I have only been in class for a day!” I complained to Addie.

“Don’t worry. We can do this together.” Addie encouraged me.

“Addie, Taylor. You will tail them.” Professor Harris said pointing to a boy that looked a lot like Luke and some other old man.

“That looks exactly like my brother Luke. I doubt it is him though.” I informed Addie.

The boy turned around and I knew for sure that it was Luke. Fortunately, he didn’t notice me.

“That is definitely my brother Luke. Why would he be in Nottingham? His college is a couple hours away from here.”

“I don’t know, but lets try to find out. We are for sure going to ace the quiz since we’re tailing your brother.” Addison said excitedly.

“Shh. He’s talking.” I whispered to Addie.

“Use this device. Its kind of like a Bluetooth It will ask you ask you how far you want to track their voices and whitch coordinates on the graph and then you can listen to them.” Addison said as she handed me what looked just like a Bluetooth and an iPod touch.

I put the Bluetooth device in my ear and found Luke on the graph.

“How much farther do we have to go?” Luke asked the old man.

“Just keep walking. We’re almost there. I am very proud of what you have done.” The elderly man replied.

I wondered what he could of done to suddenly for the man to be proud of him. I guess I understood that everybody wants to do well in college. But almost where? I pulled my ear buds out of my ear.

“What are they saying?” Addison asked anxiously.

“The old man told Luke that he was proud of him.” I whispered back.

“Well this is not going to be too interesting.” Addie said. “What’s happening? I think our tracker’s shutting down!”

Their walk slow walk turned into a speedy jog.

“Quick, run after them!” I hissed at Addie.

We turned the corner and jogged in silence for what seemed like hours.

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