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Caesar walked in circles, just thinking about a way to stop the NCR spy's getting into the Fort. His own spy's couldn't think of anything. Even Lucius sat there, thinking of how to fix the problem.

Suddenly Caesar heard a loud bang, the strong smell of fake tan and wigs filled the room. This could only mean one thing. The legionary he hated, but never had a good enough reason to crucify. Donald Trump.

Donald moved swiftly into Caesar's tent, grabbing every breast he walked past.
"Lord Caesar, I have a suggestion for how to keep the profligates out" Declared Donald.

Caesar sighed and sat back down. Immediately regretting using a Mexican leigonary to guard the door to his tent. He made a mental note never to do that again.
"What do you suggest, Trump?" He said bitterly, every word in that sentence stung his mouth like a bee.

"We should build a wall!" Said Donald loudly. Caesar used all the whatever strength he had to  stop himself from immediately face palming. "You see, they can't get past a wall, so we should build one! All we'd need is a few bri-"
"Enough! I know how to build a wall, Trump. Or at least my slaves do. Go back to your camp." Caesar hesitated for a moment, Trump started walking away. "Actually, I have a better idea! Start a new camp! As far away from here as possible! There's a place very close to an NCR camp available, Vulpes will take you there. And whatever you do, do not take off your armour. Not even if you get shot!"

Trump nodded and walked to his new camp. This was only the beginning of his life in the legion.

(NOTE: This is a joke, do not get butthurt)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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