Chapter 9

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Tay's POV:

Have you ever had the feeling of regrets just drowning you inside? I hate this. I hate having to feel guilty. I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't mean to call him a monster because he isn't. He's beyond that but I was so scared at the fact that I know what he's capable of. If I didn't stop him, he'll probably break his bones. It's been 2 weeks and I miss him. I've texted him and left him voicemails but he doesn't answer. So I put my coat on and walked.

I decided to come to his house. I stood there and took a deep breath and I saw my breath turn to white. December is supposed to be exciting. It's supposed to be the month of happiness. I pressed the door bell and waited. Minutes seemed to turn into an hour. I waited and waited but he doesn't answer but I know he's inside because he's car is park on his drive way and the lights were on.

'You're being ignored because you're stupid' I thought to myself. I sucked my breath in as I hold my tears. I was still waiting outside his door. I looked down and started walking away. I looked up his bedroom window hoping I'd see his face. But that didn't happen.

As I walked away, I wiped my tears. I put my hands on my pocket. The sparkly white snow falls on to the ground so perfectly. I grabbed my phone and decided to call him. After a couple of rings he didn't answer and brought me a voice mail.

"Hey... It's Taylor. I've been calling you for ages and I was just waiting outside your door a few minutes ago..." I trailed off.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean too it's just slipped out of my mouth and I regret it." my voice were shaking from the cold air and also because I'm holding my tears.

"If... If somehow you don't want to talk and if it isn't the right time..." I took a deep breath.

"I understand..." I whispered. At this time I hanged up and cried.


I stood outside Selena's door and she greeted me with a hug.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Tay. I heard what happened I'm so sorry I wasn't there." She said.

"It's okay. I probably blew it anyway." I said looking down and went up to her room.

"Right, so Mean Girls or Clueless?" She held up two dvd and a pot of cookies dough ice cream.

"Both please." I replied and grabbed her blanket. She handed me my ice cream and place the CD inside her CD player. After 4 hours of girl time, I decided to go home.

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