chapter four

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he opened the door and...

"UEJEGNGA WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!?!?" josh screamed she ran out of the closet holding a video camera

no way...

josh chased after her and pushed her to ground
Eujina: no point in trying to take the camera beacuse i already uploded it to youtube hahahaha!!! u shouldve invited me to the consert josh!!!! ahahahahahshahaha
me: how could u do this to me!!!! ugh!!!!!
i started running to my car and josh was chaseing me
josh: babe wait!!!!
me: no were over untill i can figure my life out
josh: no babe please
me: josh no
josh: babe please
me: no!!!!!!!!!
josh: u cant leave me babe im notheng without u
me: i just need some space babe
josh: im getting back into heroine
i ignored him and got in my furari and drove 100 miles per our all the way to my apartment and ran inside and cryed i cant beleave her!!! in the midle of my cry my phone started ringing it was jøsh dun my dad oh Frick

jøsh: me and ur dad are vary upset with u young lady!!!
me: dad the videos fake i sware
jøsh: no i donot want to hear ur exuses!! u have to leave auran hi school houseschool home club u r grounded forever!!!
me: no not if i leave this place ull never find me!
i hung up and grabbed my bookbag and started packing clothes and food and nesesitities and grabed my keys and trew my bag in the backseat of my ferary and got in and started driveing my phone was being blow up by school ppl messageing me about sex and calls from my dads jøsh dun and tyler jøseph but i ignore it all and turn on the radio and listen to the song that helps me escape life when it's hard i sang all long to the lyrics

I can live a better life
Without you
On my mind
Don't need you
To decide
Without you
I'll be fine

I should've known
Something this perfect
Would've been so
Damn destructive
I can live
A better life
Without you
On my mind

Put me under
Under the knife
Love will be gone
When I open my eyes sedate
Me loveotomy
Now you're gone
Leaving memories behind
Erasing you, from my mind
Sedate me loveotomy
Now you're gone

I can finally
See now
That love really
Isn't blind
I can finally
Breathe again
Once your
Memory has died

[Pre Chorus:]
I should've known
Something this perfect
Would've be so
Damn destructive
I can live
A better life
Without you
On my mind

Put me under
Under the knife
Love will be gone
When I open my eyes sedate
Me loveotomy
Now you're gone
Leaving memories behind
Erasing you, from my mind
Sedate me loveotomy
Now you're gone

I'm over it
I'm over you
I wished you dead
My wish came true [x4]

Put me under
Under the knife
Love will be gone
When I open my eyes sedate
Me loveotomy
Now you're gone
Leaving memories behind
Erasing you, from my mind
Sedate me loveotomy
Now you're gone

before i new it I past the sign that said leaving vancuver british colombia

"goodbye" i said before driving off...


Authers note: HEY GUYS HERE CHAPTER 4 I LOVE U GUYS SO MUCH also i got a friend to write a story summary for me ill put it up in a little bit bye guys! XD~

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