A Bloody Awakening

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"Did you guy's get the chance to play the new game everyone is talking about?" I asked my two best friends who were video chatting with me.

"Are you talking about Silence?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, that one. I just bought it two days ago with the money I've saved up." I said.

"I started it yesterday and I got to say, it's a unique game with great detail and a smooth storyline," Mason said.

"That's what I was thinking!" I chimed. "How about you, James? Did you get a chance to play?"

"I haven't gotten the chance to play any games lately." He said.

"I'm surprised. Usually, you finish a game faster than the two of us." I said.

"Yeah, why is that?" Mason asked.

"My parents noticed that my grades have slipped. So, they made me cut back on the gaming until I bring them up." James explained, while cleaning his glasses and putting them back on.

"Aren't you an adult now? You graduated high school three months ago with a great GPA and your parents still worry about your grades that probably slipped a few numbers."

"Mason, you should know that college is expensive and since they are paying for it, I can't just slack off."

"James is right, Mason. I think we all should get good grades to become successful in the future." I said.

Right after I spoke that's when I heard a knock on my door and a female voice saying, "Emma, dinner is ready."

"Okay, Mom!" I yelled. "Alright boys, I got to go. I'll talk with the two of you later."

"Bye, Emma," Mason said with a wave.

"Talk to you later," James responded.

I logged off the chat room and completely shut down my laptop after while moving it to the left side of my desk.

I left my room to go downstairs for dinner, not as hungry as I should have been. There was this strange, eerie feeling that swept over me, affecting my stomach as I made my way down each step. I've never had a feeling like this before, but instead of focusing on it more, I ended up ignoring it as best as I could.

"I'm down," I said as I made my way to the kitchen table.

"I guess you were busy doing homework?" My mom asked me.

"Kind of," I said in a whisper. "So, what did you make for dinner?" I tried to change the subject as quickly as I could.

"I decided that we have steak, mashed potatoes, and corn."

"Sounds pretty good to me," I said with a smile. "Is Tsukiya going to be eating with us tonight?"

"I don't think so. I just checked in on him and he still doesn't look good."

"Again? What do you think is the matter with him?" I asked, concerned.

"I'm not sure, but he told me not to worry too much." She said while bringing the food to the table.

"I don't know, but he's been like this for three days now. Whatever happened to him was right after his birthday and I find that very strange."

"If it gets worse, I'll have him get checked out by a doctor. For all, we know it might just be a common cold." She said, taking her seat.

"I doubt it," I whispered to myself.

I sat next to her, while we both waited patiently for my dad to join us.

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