A Hidden Secret

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I was having trouble walking through the door of Mason's house due to extreme shock. I was losing my vision and stumbling at the same time as if I was drunk. I already wanted to give up the urge to fight to keep my eyes open at this moment. But a loud voice in my head was screaming at me not to.

James and Mason set me down on a leather couch gently, while rushing to help clean my wounds.

"Emma, stay with me," James said, looking at me directly. "It might not be the cut that is making you like this, but the fact that this all happened to you in one night."

"I brought the first-aid kit. I'll clean her cuts." I heard Mason. "How did you manage to get blood on your hands?"

"Guys, I'll be fine," I said out loud.

Even though I was feeling like shit, they both gave me a look saying, 'you got to be kidding me.' They already knew that I wasn't fine and that I was lying.

"Emma, please let me just clean and patch you up first, and then we'll talk."

I kept my mouth shut for a few minutes as Mason finished his job and wiped the blood off my hands with a warm, soaked towel.

James had also come back with a glass of water for me. I didn't think about turning it down but rather drank the whole thing in one gulp.

"Damn Emma, what the hell happened from the time you ended our call to now?" James asked me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You won't believe my story," I said with my head down.

"Try us," James said.

It grew silent until I finally spoke saying, "I woke up right after I heard a scream. I'm not sure who screamed though, there were three dead bodies in my house. Two of them were my parents." I felt my eyes becoming puffy as tears formed at the corners. "Tsukiya killed them and I have no idea why. He snapped and turned, literally into a monster. He didn't look human when I saw him in the light." I paused and said, "Tsukiya didn't kill me right after he killed my parents. He should have. How am I supposed to go on living knowing that he did that while he is still on the loose?"

"Emma," Mason sat down on my left side, putting his hand on my shoulder. "You're with us now. You will never be alone now knowing that he is still out there. We will both protect you no matter what happens."

"How can you protect me? You've seen Tsukiya and how he is now." I said with a slight rise in my voice.

"Emma, we have something to tell you," James said out loud.

"What now?" I asked with wide eyes. "Don't tell me you both are like Tsukiya too."

"Not even close," James said shaking his head. "Mason and I hunt the type of creature Tsukiya turned into."

"What do you mean? You know what he turned into?" I asked, baffled.

"You won't believe us when I say this, but Tsukiya turned into a creature of the night. Otherwise known as a vampire." Mason said.

My face dropped in shock as I stared at both of them with a question mark on my face. 

"I told you, you wouldn't believe us at first."

"That stuff is fictional though," I whispered.

"People want you to believe that, but they are as real as us," James said.

"This is too much for me to process," I said with my head in my hands.

"We will help you understand more later. You should just try to get some sleep here for a few hours, while we go call someone about the bodies in your house." Mason said, getting up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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