Chapter 2

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Rich, age 19, around 6 ft , dark hair that covered his eyes. He was wearing blue jeans and a red flannel shirt covered by a leather jacket and black Levi sneakers. He was walking to ECHO High school, contemplating if he really wanted to go that day, but he knew he had to because of the rumor of a teacher giving out a project that day.

Rich.. He was a pretty popular guy there, his best friend Charlie is the captain of the football team the past two years. They have known each other almost all their lives. Their parents had been best friends in college and they had hoped that the boys would become friends. Luckily they did become best friends, practically brothers if you think about it.

"Hey Ricky!" Charlie called when they met up at the corner of Redford and Solo. (Which happened to be the street that Draco lives on. ) Anyway Rich took out his ear bud from his right ear. He had been listing to 'Bitter and Blue' by Michael Weatherly who was formally DiNozzo on NCIS. Tony is his favorite character, and was peeved that he left.

"Hey Charlie what's up man?" Clasping hands and a quick bro hug to top it off. Charlie was wearing a red Spartan shirt with blue sweatpants with ECHO down the side of his left leg. ECHO's mascot was a Greek warrior, they figured it would be a clever idea.

"I'm good, and you?" Rich saw that his friend was carrying not only his backpack, but his football bag which had his name, the same of their school and the mascot embroidered onto the side of the bag. Both boys knew the importance of this game, if they did really well the next five games the ECHO Spartans might get into the champions.

Charlie Hawthorne, 18 years old, Captain of the football team the past two years. Tall dark brown hair that just about came to his eyes. Eyes that were a bright shade of blue, ones girls swoon for. (But not the girl he really wanted deep down inside.)

"Not sure if I really want to got to school today, but I heard Mrs. Song is giving out a Psychology project today." Rich said as he readjusted his bag on his shoulder.  It was heavy from everything that he carried, which were all the books he needed from the day before, to his gym clothes, his lunch. Even a book he was writing. He is definitely not the average teenage boy.

"I heard she was tough... good luck with that project," Charlie said as he shook his head. Knowing that this teacher was rough from what his friends said. He got most of the information from his on again off again girlfriend. Minni had her and always complained about her. (One reason why he dumped her for the last time her perspective on everything was always negative or really nasty.)

"Thanks, I'm gonna need it- hey isn't that Mr. Heart driving that green van?" Rich said as the two boys continued walking up the curved street.

A green van drove by with music that was so loud you could hear every word. "Becky was a beauty from south Alabama,

Her Daddy had a heart like a nine-pound hammer
Think he even did a little time in the slammer
What was I thinkin'" the song 'What was I Thinkin' was what was blasting as the car went by.

"I think that was him... don't his brother and sister go to ECHO with us?" Rich asked his friend as he rang out his one ear from the noise level. They looked at each other with a very strange looks, one look matching the other.

"Yeah, Draco and Harry. I have Gym with Harry, he is a smart kid. Really quick on his feet. And Draco... she is smart, witty, has a smart mouth on her. " Charlie's eyes actually sparkled a bit as he talked about Draco; but not enough for Rich to notice.

"Oh yeah, she is in my class with Mrs. Song." Rich commented a few minutes later. Thinking back to the time Draco flipped out when someone spilled their drink on her book. She had been reading it for months, it was the last book in a series.

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