Chapter 8

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It was Draco's musical laugh that brought Charlie out of the group chat and into real life again.

"As for you Charlie, I would never judge you for your middle name. My parents decided to spell mine with an 'I' and not an 'E' so everyone thinks it's spelled wrong."

"Isra? Right?" Charlie asked, looking at me with eyes that were hoping he wasn't wrong. Her eyes shining in the restaurant light. Something that you normally wouldn't think of about a girl's eyes. Her eyes looked like they shined all the time..

"Yeah, my middle name is Isra. Most of the time its spelled Ezra. But my parents wanted to be cool." She looked away and to the picture of the dragon who created their home. "Besides, my parents named me after a constellation." Draco told him as she looked back.

"I like it, it suits you." Charlie laughed a little.

"Thank you, will you tell me your middle name Charlie?" I asked. "If you really don't want to tell me you don't have to. But I am now very curious."

(Sigh), "I guess I should tell you then... My middle name is Horatio." He paused for a moment, his hands still covering his eyes. "My full name is Charles Horatio Hawthorne."

(Gasp) "Are you named after the literary hero Horatio Hornblower?" Draco gently pulls my hands away from my eyes. Her hands are soft, and warm... Her eyes are open wide, beautifully bright. The way she is looking at me, she has never looked that way at anyone before.

"Yes? Why?" Her hands still touching mine... wait... now she pulls away.

"I've read all the books and seen all the movies. I have three favorite characters.... Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Wellard and of course Mr. Hornblower!." A blush covers her face now. It was cute.

"Oh no, please don't get her started on that again!" Harry begged once he realized what the topic of conversation had turned to. Leaning back in his chair to relax.

"Ignore him." Draco growled.

Harry put his hands up in a 'please don't kill me' fashion.

"Well at least you found one person who thinks your middle name isn't lame." Rich laughed at his friend. Charlie glared at his best friend for a moment.

"Draco, tell mom I'm staying to help dad until close and then we will be home." Ron asked as he walked over to her. "It's almost 8 o'clock, do you have any homework?" The oldest asked his two siblings.

"I have my creative writing assignment due in a week." I told Ron as I looked up at him.

"I've already done my homework in my free period." I heard Harry say. I was beginning to feel funny, my body was going cold from the inside out. I only get that feeling when I'm going to faint, or through up.

"Ron, I don't feel well." I told him before passing out again. The football player sitting next to me grabbed me. I could tell because I was partially conscious and his touch felt familiar to me.

"Charlie, help me get her to the car. Please take Draco home, and don't worry about Fluffy. He can't hurt you." The tall boy looked at my brother concerned. Not knowing who or what Fluffy was...

Charlie picked Draco up in the bridal style position,
Carefully weaving in and out of people until he made it to his Jeep. Ron opened the front seat so the blonde could be placed in the car.

"If she wakes up before you leave, please stay with her? Sometimes our mom goes out to to errands, meaning that she would be left alone." Ron asked once he placed the seatbelt around his Sister's frame.

"I'll stay. I promise." Putting my glasses on so I could see better to drive. The sun was beginning to set, it was at dawn and dusk that I had problems driving.

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