
776 68 4

29 October 2016, 3:44 am

remember when you promised me that
you would always walk me home, so i would ever be in danger, jungkook?
you lied.
i remember one night in particular.
i remember it vividly.
it stood out amongst the other nights.
i asked you to walk me home
because it was late and it was dark and
the alley that led up to my house was a
long and dark walk.
but you said no.
you told me to walk home myself because
you had places to be.
you told me that nothing was going to happen
and that even if something happened,
i should know how to deal with it.
well jungkook,
something did happen.
a group of guys tried to rape me that night,
if it weren't for my brother,
for all i know, i could've been found dead
the next morning.
and when i told you about it,
you said i was overreacting.
you said i wasn't pretty enough
for a group of guys to try to rape me.
you blamed me for what i was wearing.
you even laughed it off.
you told me i should've worn more
conservative clothes.
but jungkook,
i was wearing jeans and an oversized sweater.
rape isn't a joke, jungkook.
and it's never the victim's fault.

- everything i wish i could've told you • jungriWhere stories live. Discover now