Chapter 16 ~ Not awkward at all

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A/N Hey Tigers

*Note: A lot of things happen in this chapter so beware* Pay attention to this chapter like your life depends on it.

So I have so good news and some sad news

Good news:

1. Its Christmas

Sad news:

1. He's bad News is almost over

2. And no there will not be a sequel.



Annie POV

My father had called me earlier telling me that we were going to have a big family dinner. He also told me that Victoria was going to be there.

I refused at first but after talking it out with Ross, Liam and Dylan, I finally said yes.

My dad said to bring a date because it was going to be a social gathering as well. I had asked Liam to go with me but he said that he had to go to a social gathering with his mum. 

"Sorry Annie, my mum want me to go to this party with her, she dating this new guy and she wants my full approval." He said.

"I understand go be with your mom."

So then I asked Ross.

"You want me to go with you? You’re joking right?" He asked me in disbelief.

"Yeah, please, I know social gatherings like this aren't your thing." I said

"So then why are you asking me to go?" He asked back with a stupid smile.

"Please for me." I said giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

I know he can't resist the puppy dog eyes. No one can resist the puppy dog eyes, and I really mean no one.

He looks at me and sighs, then shows his signature smile." Fine I’ll go with you, as long as I don't have to wear a tux." He said.

"Yes, thank you thank you thank you." I said jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly.

I didn't realize what was going on at first until it happened. I was trying to let go but my body and mind just made me stay in play and hug him.

I was guessing I took Ross by surprise then.

He was startled at first, I could tell by the way he shifted his body, but then he hugged back. I was slowly releasing myself when he held me tighter. His body molded perfectly with my body.

I felt so safe and secure in his arms. Something I only felt when I was with Ross.

"Don't let go yet." He said in a soft voice, almost pleading in a way. So I hold onto him. He buries his head in my hair and I bury my head into his chest.  His lips brush against my forehead it took everything in my power nit to move my head and kiss him.

My feelings for Ross are still there. I feel bad though. I feel like I have been leading Liam on this entire time, but in a way I do believe my feelings for him are real.

Is it possible to have feelings for two different guys? Gosh, I feel like a slut.

He plants a kiss on my forehead and I look up to see his eyes sparkle. Cliché much, but it still happened.

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