Chapter 17~Feelings

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A/N Hey Tigers

Did you hear that on New Years, R5 had a concert so Ross took a random girl out of the audience and kissed on New Years, lucky girl!!!

Hope you like the chapter



Annie POV

Victoria and my dad are getting married. Victoria is Liam's mom. Liam is my boyfriend. Liam is also going to be my soon to be step brother.

My dad and Victoria were smiling at each other like the expression on their children's faces mean nothing to them.

I look at Liam with a sad smile which he returned. He had these puppy dog eyes that I loved about him.

I turned my heel and ran as fast as I could out of that building. I ignored the sound of people calling my name. 

The moment I open the door, a sense of freedom hits me like a cool breeze.

I take my heels off and start walking down the sidewalk. It’s not like I can walk home, the school is 40 miles away from where I am. I drove here with Ross.

So many things were rushing through my head.

What was going to happen between Liam and me? Are we going to stay together or are were going to get used to calling each other bro and sis?

What’s going on between Ross and me? Because one moment we were best friends the next moment he is playing with my feelings, I don’t know anymore.

"Annie, wait up." Ross said walking towards me. I didn't even notice that he was there, let alone followed me.

"Well that was something in there huh, I mean, you and your boyfriends becoming siblings, I mean who would have seen this coming huh." He said with a chuckle.

He notices that I wasn't chuckling back and sighed. "Come here." He said pulling me into a hug. I nuzzled my head into his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I want this to be over; I want all of this drama to end." I said.

"There's the thing with drama, it doesn't end until you make it end, just give it time." He said.

"But I never wanted any of this to happen, how was I supposed to know, I mean the first time I fell in love, do you remember, it was you, and that messed up." I said pulling away from him.

"Annie, I..." He started but I cut him off.

"Then Liam comes into the picture and we are getting along, then all of sudden He asks me out, I wasn't sure how I was feeling but I thought that was love, but then every time I was with Liam I thought of you and I felt guilty." I said.

"And why is that?" He asked

"Because I still love you." I said but quickly covered my mouth with my hand. Ross was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Annie." A voice said, and it wasn't Ross's 

I turned and saw Liam coming towards us. He had a sad smile on his face.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" I nodded and followed him, giving Ross one last glance.

"Annie, our parents are getting married." He said facing me.

"Yeah, I guess that means were going to be siblings now." I say looking down.

"When I asked you out a couple of months ago, I was only thinking about how you were the only girl that understood me, that didn’t try to flirt with me every time I was around, who didn't try hard but still managed to be perfect. You became one of my closes friends, and I think that our relationship was just to make sure that we keep that friendship." He said.

"Liam when you asked me out, I was surely surprised, I thought that the feelings I had for you were the feelings that you get when you like a person that way but it wasn't, it was the feeling of being a friend. I know the feeling of love and I'm sorry but it wasn't it." I say.

"Well at least we can both come to a conclusion, that we both mistook our feelings, and that we are best friends." Liam said.

"Siblings even." I added pulling Liam into a hug.

When he pulled away, he gave me a kiss on my temple. 

"I'm going back to the party; my mum might be worried sick since I ran off like that." Liam said.

"Ya, just give me a second, I got to finish something first." I said glancing at Ross.

"When you said you knew what love felt like, you were talking about Ross, weren't you?" Liam gave me a smile.

"As you friends, I approve, as you soon to be brother, I might be a little protective, just be warned." He said jokingly, ruffling my hair and walking back towards the party.

I walked back to Ross who immediately gave me a questioning face.

"Liam and I broke up." I stated.

"Oh, Annie, I'm so sorry." He said wrapping and arm around my waist.

"We both agreed that we were just really close friends, and it’s going to stay that way for a very long time." I said with a smile.

"Not about what you said earlier." Ross said with a smirk.

"I have no idea what you are talking about?" I said looking to the ground.

Ross took his thumb and lifted my chin." What if I told you that I felt the same way?" He said leaning in.

Before he could kiss me I pulled away. "Ross I just broke up with my boyfriend, I just want everything to cool down before I start a relationship again." I said and he nodded.

"But you agree, what we have is a relationship?" He said with a smirk.

"Maybe." I said with a smirk walking back to the party. I turned around to face him and gave him a playful smile.

"You’re coming?" I called out.

"With you, anywhere." He said taking my hand and intertwining our finger. 

I put my heels back on and we walked back to the party.

A/N Hey Tigers

Hoped you liked the chapter

Liam and Annie broke up, but still best friends.

Rannie moment!!!

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