Chapter 11 - My leska, how I love you.

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The next morning the doctor came back and Billy was sitting up and trying to carefully eat with his left hand. Thankfully the food was either finger foods or cut into small pieces which could be forked up easily. Satasha was helping him even though it frustrated him. It was almost enough to make Billy fuss. Thankfully Satasha had sensed that and was doing the minimum possible to help him. She didn't blame him for being so frustrated since he was a rather active person.

When the doctor walked in Billy waved the fork in his general direction since his mouth was full. Once he had finished chewing he nodded at him, "So what is your plan of attack? I am pretty much willing to go for what you feel is best. I don't want to take any longer than needed to heal but I also don't want to rush the repairs." Damn it but he wanted his freedom back. It was so frustrating to have to pee in a bag, have help eating, and even getting bed baths.

The doctor had to smile, "That is scary, a patient who is willing to take the time needed to get fixed. I might just have to send a telepath in to make sure you didn't have any brain damage." He noticed Satasha covering her face and snickered, "In all seriousness what I would like to do is start with the shoulder blade and shoulder girdle. Some of the nerve and muscle damage can partially be dealt with at the same time. I would be hesitant to try and fix it all at the same time. Even doing the minor reconstruction of your nerves and muscles is something I will have to evaluate while we are doing the bones."

Billy frowned slightly as the doctor was speaking and became very serious, "All jokes aside don't rush this. I can still use my brain while healing. One thing I am worried about is our link. I don't know how long it will hold off before we are forced to be intimate. From that point of view, I think it might be best if we take it in smaller repairs so the healing in between doesn't take as long." His concern was obvious as he was talking.

Satasha had to nod at that, "I agree with Yilly on that Physician. I can feel the link starting to draw us together." She nibbled on a finger for a moment, "Our next link day is tomorrow. We are going to need to link tomorrow. Can the surgery wait until the day after?" Even if it was simple intercourse the two of them needed the release and sharing of memories. She as much as Billy needed the contact and merging of their memories.

The Physician nodded in understanding, "That is a good way to look at it and we have taken that in account. From what I understand while Yilly is healing from the worst injuries, to an extent just staying in close contact on your link days is what is needed." He glanced at the tablet and then back up, "Thank you for bringing the date up and I will ensure you aren't disturbed for your link day. You do have a dispenser so you won't have anyone coming in unless you need something."

Billy looked thankful for that, "Sounds like a deal Doc and I am going to spend the rest of today with my family. I think I would prefer smaller surgeries even if it means longer time down. I am not going to take a chance of anything causing problems with the link or our health." He had already faced dying and having Satasha dying with him. It had terrified him when he had finally accepted that or so he hoped.

He stood up, "In that case I am going to make some changes to the plan and I will see you the morning after tomorrow. We will get started as soon as your link day is over. Make sure you rest as well Commander Madlax." He gave Satasha a smile, "Be careful during your link day and be gentle. I can understand the drive based on the records and frankly it will probably be good for both of you." With a gentle smile, he left the room.

Billy looked over at Satasha and had to laugh since her ears were lowered in embarrassment at the doctor's comments, "Relax silly, I am sure he understands and since we have tentative permission to carefully have fun I am going to. That isn't even mentioning how much I want to as well." He held his hand out to her.

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