Chapter 2 - Damn those fucking pirates!!!

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Satasha stood up and came over and rested her hands on Z'Marl's shoulders and nuzzled her cheek, "Of course he would stand next to you and he doesn't need my permission." Satasha finally ended up with her head resting against Z'Marl's, "I guess this is sort of saying welcome to the family. Just don't give me any headaches though."

Sally shook her head and looked at Vangie, "I wonder if pappa is starting a harem..." She started laughing when she said that since Billy had glared at her, "Oh my, such a look daddy, did I hit a nerve?" When Vangie covered his face with one hand she really started laughing, "Maybe I will start one as well." She laughed even more when both glowered at her and Vangie nipped at her.

Billy smiled at her, "Of course I will stand next to you just like I did with both of my daughters. Being smart runs in the family and there were a few occasions I had to deal with petulant children. They thought they should have gotten better grades and reviews since their parents were wealthy. I know of at least three that are working fast food currently." He tilted her head up and lightly licked her nose, "I will say the same thing, welcome to the family. Now I am hungry and I am going to chow down."

When he let go of Z'Marl Sally came over and gave her a good hug, "Pappa is really good at standing next to people and supporting them. The problem he has, is being able to lean on others and ask for help. Satasha has started teaching him to lean on others but he is pretty stubborn." She gave her another squeeze before letting go, "If it helps you are amongst several really smart people and when you meet my sister..." She rolled her eyes.

Billy snorted but started eating, "I think now would be a good time to go down to my ship and really let you take a look at it. This will give you an idea of what might be done to it." As they were eating they changed the subject and simply chatted. By the time they were done Billy stretched and yawned, "A couple of hours of work and looking around and I am going to need to crash. If nothing else Satasha and I can use the bed in my room for a nap while you are looking." His voice was still slightly raspy from the illness.

Once they were done eating they headed down to the ship and started working on it. During the day both he and Satasha napped off and on as needed.


Over the following week or so the two of them finally recovered and work was progressing. The room modifications had been completed and the ship stocked with the Sholan meal pouches. The scanners and communications equipment ended up as a separate install. The tech was just too different to be able to be incorporated into his. He had his own food as well which he was looking forward to. The Sholan food was good and he was enjoying it but he wanted something from home as well.

The hardest part was integrating the new sensors and communication equipment into his ship. It ended up they simply installed some totally new sensors and communications equipment. They were standalone units. Billy would have to take the information from them and punch it into his systems. It was a jury rigged affair but it should work until he had time to upgrade his sensors with his technology. If there was time on Terra, he was going to order upgrades. Even if he didn't get them in before leaving he could take them with.

As the various techs were working on his ship Billy and the others spent a great deal of time with the first contact team. That was fascinating in a way but also seemed to give him headaches as well. Every morning he was working with the tutor to learn to build the shields and controlling his talent. Both he and Satasha were getting stronger which greatly confused both the tutor and mentor aboard the ship.

Eventually the ship was ready to go and he was going to be taking most of the warriors so they had more room aboard the Barque which would be carrying the rest of the contact team. They were going to be escorted by a stealth fighter for additional assurance they would make it.

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