Chapter 4 - Crystal you might be our human Mascot

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Vangie had to flick an ear as he wondered what the back story was. He didn't bother saying or moving since the two were focused on each other. It was obvious that both knew and despised the other. Vangie had a few he knew like that.

"Well I must say it was a very fascinating message. Meeting aliens and capturing the Black Pearl oh my." He glanced around Billy's bridge and raised an eyebrow when he finally noticed the two felines. Vangie was a soft charcoal gray and the other was a highland sand color, "Nice costumes boys. Gotta admit you did a good job on this Billy. Don't know what game you are playing at but I am sure the Space Corps is not going to be amused." His voice was almost silky as he spoke.

Billy sighed and then shook his head, "You were always a stupid egotistical self-centered bastard. Just look at the ship I have in tow. We do have images of the Black Pearl. Or are they to classified for you to access?" When one of the Sholan's spoke to him he looked over his shoulder and replied in Sholan, "Keep pretending that you don't speak English. He is a dickhead and a dweeb but as long as we stay in the neutral corridor he can't do anything."

"What did you say?" Jeramiah demanded. He was sure that Billy had somehow concocted all this to make him the butt of some massive joke, "What did you do to your engines? The hyper signature is way out of the norm for your ship." He smirked, "Hope you didn't blow your tubes with that entrance."

Billy settled for a grin, "Just speaking Sholan to the pretend aliens you think I have on my ship." He took a sip of coffee and smiled in appreciation, "Thank you for having the coffee brought Vangie. It hit the spot." He looked at Vangie before turning back to the communicator. Screen, "My engines? I redesigned them while I was grounded. It gave me something to do while my tubes were re-crystallized. Oh, wait, you aren't supposed to know about that."

Jerimiah's sensor tech did a further scan of the other ship and there was a second ship in tow. All the alerts were showing including the warning of a captured pirate ship and a ship under tow, "Commander I am showing a second ship under tow and working on an ID for the vessel. All the required alerts and indicators are showing."

Jerimiah was starting to get irritated by now, "I have instructions to bring you to the Space Command orbital station. Ensure all weapons are secured and your shields lowered to the minimum strength." He seemed to think he had the authority to order him to follow. When the scanner tech passed the message over he snapped back, "Get the ID of the other ship now."

Billy rolled his eyes, "You are as stupid now as you were when I almost got you drummed out of the Space Corps. I am in the neutral corridor and under international treaties and regulations I do not need to respond. If the Swiss choose to ask me to leave, then you will have authority over me. Until such time as that happens then I am not required to obey your orders." He turned to Vangie, "Make sure the shields are at full strength." That was in Sholan as well.

Jerimiah snarled at him, "You will obey the commands from your authorities and your space Navy. Come about or be fired on." He snapped a command out and a laser beam flashed in front of Billy's vessel.

Before Billy could do anything, there was a brief ripple of space and a beam flashed out from the fighter. The weapons mount disintegrated in a burst of energy. Billy frowned slightly since that wasn't something he had expected or intended but he went with it, "Oh, meet my escort. Since I am currently being paid by the Sholan's to bring their first contact team to Earth they provided an escort." He waved at Vangie.

"Fighter 23 that is sufficient unless there is any further attempt to take the ship over." The fighter changed positions to the other side of the intersystem patrol ship. Vangie noted what they were doing, "Yilly they moved to the other side of the Terran ship."

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