Mystery Night

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    Gasping for air like I haven't taken a single breath from feeling like I've been under water. Where am I? I check my surroundings I'm in a dark, smelly, scary alley. I begin to slowly stand up pressing my body up against a red brick building and went to take a step until I landed back on New York City ground cold and very dirty. I'm gritting my teeth clenching my jaw from all the pain I'm feeling with different parts of my body. I finally manage to receive my strength back. I reach the opening end of the alley and notice it must barely be morning. I take a left turn nothing around me looks familiar.. Where the hell am I? I shift my eyes to above me to see a balcony to a apartment. I thought to myself was I at that apartment last night? For the life of me I couldn't remember what happened last night and I don't know if that's good or bad..

    As I'm struggling to walk down the sidewalk I hear someone call for me. "Kambree?!" I turn around to see my mother rushing into my arms. "Mom?" I say weak. "Oh honey! Where have you been?! I called your cell phone multiple times and oh my god Kambree what happened to you?" She says reaching to touch a sensitive spot on my face.
"I'm sorry mom.." That's all I could say? Was that I was sorry!? What had happened to me. "Honey.. What happened last night?" She says so sweet and softly.
"I don't know.." I say with a cracked voice crying into my mothers chest.

    We arrived back home, we walk up our thousand flights of staircases just to reach my parents studio apartment.
"How about you go have a nice warm shower and clean yourself okay?"
"Okay." I say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear then folding my arms all the way to my old bedroom door. I open my door to a creaking sound and the smell of my favorite scent, vanilla cupcake. I let out a big sigh and flopped on my bed when I realized that I probably look very disgusting. I walk up to my wall mirror staring at every inch of me. I'm covered in filth, blood and.. a white piece of hair? I grab the piece of hair and stared at it longer wondering how in the world it was there. Placing my focus more on the serious part the big gash I have on the crown of my head. My blonde hair was once soaked with wet blood but now it's all dried up. Shakingly I move my fingers to the gash then realized it was still wet. "Ew! Still wet, still wet!" I say rushing my hand back to my side not knowing where to wipe the blood off my fingers. "Knock knock." Says my mom knocking then walking in. "I got you a towel." She says with a soft smile. "Thank you." I say grabbing the towel with my non blood fingers. She goes to walk out the door when I ask,"Mom.. can we talk?" She glances back at me and gave me a corner smile and said,"Once you're done freshening up." That made my blood boil. Why won't she just talk to me now?! My emotions are off the chains. I look back into the mirror and notice my skin slowly turning pale white, purple hue of veins under my eyes become very noticeable and bloodshot eyes. I cover my face to hide what I'm seeing and I don't like this one bit. What's wrong with me?!

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