Little Einsteins

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Hola munchkins! How are all of you feeling? I hope all of you lovely munchkins are feeling well and okay. If any of you have problems or anything you want to talk about, feel free to message me here in Wattpad. So, let's get on with the story.

Zephyra's POV

I woke up to the sound of people whispering. I opened my eyes and saw all of them.
Reno: You haven't read the message Kylie sent in the groupchat?
Zephyra: I fell asleep!
Reno: What time?
Zephyra: 10:13
Kylie: I sent it 10:15, probably still typing that time.

I scanned the whole room. Where's Darren?
Zephyra: Did Darren receive the message?
Lysander: Unfortunately, no.
Zephyra: He must have fell asleep too.
Mikhail: No worries, I texted him. *smirk*

I heard the door open and footsteps in the stairs. After a while, the door to my room swang open, revealing Darren.
Reno: Wow, D! We were just talking about you.
Darren: I can tell.
Zephyra: What time did you sleep?
Darren: 10 sharp
Al: You guys are so early in sleeping.
Darren: 10's not early for me.
Al: I sleep at like 11:30
Zephyra: What time did all of you weirdos sleep?
Reno: 11 sharp
Mikhail: After Kylie sent the message
Maddie: I lost track.
Lysander: Me too.
Zephyra: Wait. Where are we going, btw?

They all looked at each other, except Darren and me, and smirked.
Reno: We're going to visit Bohol!
Zephyra: WHAT?
Mikhail: Visit? Like as if we have been there before.
Reno: Yep, you heard it. Plus, it's almost Darren's birthday so why not enjoy it, right? Shut up, Mikhail. Don't ruin the moment.
Zephyra: Today? Like exactly right now?
Lysander: Of course not. Today's Sunday. So this coming Wednesday, we'll go to Bohol. So, you should go ask your parents. We'll go to Al's house after this so she can ask her parents.
Zephyra: Oh okay.
Reno: You should probably like to take a bath first.

I pushed them outside my room and I took a quick bath. Put on some jeans and an oversized shirt and put on my Converse. I went to the living room where all of them are waiting for me. I saw dad and mom too.

I smiled at my friends and they signaled me to ask them. I nodded.
Zephyra: Mommy, Daddy, will you allow me to go to Bohol with them? I mean, I'm already 14 years old. And there will be a flight attendant to assist us anyway.
Zephyra: Yes, Bohol.
Dad: I don't know, honey. I'm not sure.
Zephyra: Please, Daddy. Plus, it's summer.
Mom: Should we give Zephyra a chance, dear?
Dad: As long as you'll behave properly in the plane. Promise me.
Zephyra: *smiles* I promise! Thanks Mom! Thanks Dad! *hugs and kisses*
Dad: When will you go?
Reno: This Wednesday, Tito.
Dad: You still have a lot of time to pack your things. Reno! Darren!
Reno: Yes Tito?
Darren: Aye?
Dad: Please watch out for Zephyra for us. She can be a big trouble sometimes.
Zephyra: Hey! I am not!
Darren: *laughs* Yes, Tito. We will.

We bid goodbye to Mom and Dad and went to Al's house.

~Yu Residence~
Al: Mom! Dad! I'm home!
Tita: Al! Where have you been?
Al: I was at Zephyra's house.
Tita: You didn't ask permission.
Al: You and dad were asleep so I told Achi to tell you guys I went to Zephyra's.
Achi: I did! But you guys won't listen to me!
Tito: Let's just stop this, dear. It's our fault for not trusting Achi. Plus, her friends are here.
Tita: *sigh* I'm just glad you're back. So, did you eat breakfast there? Should I cook? Or what?

We all looked at each other, except Al. Al's mom makes the best food! I guarantee you that.
Al: No, we're all full.

We looked at her, shock. How could she? It feels like she separated all of us with our love of our life.
Reno: *cough**cough* Actually, Al has something to ask you.
Al: Yes, I do.
Tita: Yes, baby? Anything.
Al: Can I go to Bohol with them?
Achi: BOHOL? Mommy, you shall not allow her. You never allowed me to go to trips with my college friends.
Tito: It's all up to you, dear. Whatever your mom say, that's what I will say.
Tita: When will you go?
Al: This Wednesday.
Tita: Sure. As long as you bring delicacies from Bohol.
Al: YES, I WILL! *hugs*
Tito: Can I have a hug too?
Al: *laughs**hugs*
Achi: Mommy, that is so unfair!
Tita: They're 14, Achi. Let them have fun.

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