Quinn Returns

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Last chapter:

???: Hey Zephyra. I miss you. You haven't texted me ever since you moved here.
Zephyra: *gulp* Q-Quinn?

Hello munchkinssss! I decided to stop making this a fanfiction because it doesn't look like a fanfic anymore. But before I do that, I want to hear your opinions. So, go message me before it's too late. So, let's get on with the story. Oh btw, the Quinn, over there^^^, is pronounced as "KIN".

Zephyra's POV


I quickly texted everyone about it and they agreed to come so it won't be that awkward. I'm so lucky. Wait, they don't even know him. Omahghaddd! Halp mehhh!

~Time skip~
I took a quick peek outside and saw him talking to the others. Wait! How? What? How did they able to come in? They didn't even knock? Such friends.

I decided to go out of my room and gave them my warmest smile.
Zephyra: Hi guys! I see that you've met Quinn.
Darren: Hey Zeph! This guy's funny!
Quinn: They're very cool people, Zeph. Why didn't you introduce them to me before?
Zephyra: *fake laughs* I'm sure he is, Dee. And I know, Q, I pick very cool people and leave those who are NOT.
Reno: Zepher, can I talk to you privately?
Zephyra: Sure.
Mikhail: I'm coming with them.

They continued talking while we went to the kitchen.
Reno: Is something bothering you?
Zephyra: Why would you say that, Rener?
Reno: It's just you were being mean to Quinn a while ago.
Mikhail: You noticed that too, bro? I thought I was the only one.
Zephyra: It's...nothing. I just like being mean.

And I walked away, I went back to the living room. Reno and Mikhail followed behind me.
Reno: So, Quinn...
Quinn: I'm sorry, I don't know all of you that much. Do you mind introducing yourselves?
Al: Allaysia Yu. Call me Allaysia and you will find yourself inside a coffin. So don't bother. Call me Al.
Kylie: Kylie Renej at your service. Call me Kylie.
Maddie: This girl here is Maddie Tam. Maddie, for short.
Reno: Reno Philippos. Reno.
Lysander: Lysander Chiu. Sander.
Mikhail: Mikhail Richards. Mikhail.
Darren: HI! I'm Darren Lyndon Espanto. You can call me Darren, Ren, Dee, Dars, Lyn, Don, Darren Lyndon, Lyndon, DL or Espanto.
Quinn: You all have a lovely name. How about you, darling? *points to me*

I glared at him.
Zephyra: I'm pretty sure you know me already.
Quinn: Can't we just atleast try to complete the squad?
Zephyra: That doesn't even make sense.
Quinn: Introduce yourself.
Zephyra: Zephyra Kane Levesque.
Quinn: Good.

He looked at my friends while I put my tongue out at him. The nerve.
Reno: So, Quinn. Do you want to go to Bohol with us?
Reno: Why not?
Zephyra: Just no!
Reno: You should know that it's night time and we're so tired from the so called road trip a while ago.
Zephyra: Hmph. Whatever.
Reno: So, Quinn, you want to come?
Quinn: Sure!

GACK! The nerve of that idiot!
Quinn: Who's coming, btw?
Reno: All of us actually, including you and Kir.
Quinn: And Kir is?
Reno: Zepher's loverboy.
Zephyra: He is not!
Quinn: Hmmmm....
Lysander: What is it, Quinn?
Quinn: Oh nothing.

Darren's POV

Kir is not Zeph's loverboy! Like no!

Kylie took a quick glanced at me, smiled and nodded.
Kylie: Hey Quinn, Kir is not Zephyra's loverboy. He's my brother.
Reno: And Zepher's loverboy
Quinn: I should just go with Kir being Kylie's brother.

I looked at him and smiled.
Zephyra: Darren, you've been awfully silent today, is something wrong?
Darren: Oh nothing's wrong, actually. I'm going home now, adios!

I went out of Zeph's house and walked towards our house. I went to my room and slept.

~Next Day~
I should pack my things. I have nothing to do anyway. I quickly got my rolling bag out and placed all the things I clearly needed. And boom! I'm done!

I jumped on my bed and stretched. I'm going to Starbucks. I'm free today anyway.

~Time Skip~
~Destination: Starbucks~

Upon entering the mall, I saw Quinn dragging Zeph towards Starbucks. Zeph doesn't look happy at all. She looks like she was forced to do it. So, I followed. Plus, I'm going there anyway.

As I was entering the shop, Zeph sat on an empty chair while Quinn ordered their frappes. She was trying to look for a way to escape. I approached her.
Darren: Zeph? What's wrong?
Zephyra: Quinn is trying to kill me! He's been dragging me everywhere and I don't even want to go with that douchebag!
Darren: Then, come with me.

I drag her outside and brought her to a very girly store. I know what will keep Quinn out......maybe. I approached the lady in the store while Zephyra tries to hide.
Darren: Excuse me, Miss. I want my friend to have a complete make-over. Make her as girly as possible.
Miss: Okay, Sir.
Darren: I'll pick her up after an hour, okay?
Miss: Yes, Sir. Miss, please come with me.
Zephyra: Darren, what did you put me into?
Darren: Secret.

I went out of the store laughing to myself. Hmmm... I should buy her dresses, sandals and make-up.

I went to every shop in the mall. It's almost 1 hour. I should go now.

Upon arriving, I saw the lady I approached a while ago standing outside. And then, she saw me.
Miss: Sir, Maam is already done.
Darren: Wow, that was fast.

She brought me to a room. I saw a girl who I don't know, glaring at me. What the fudge does she want? But I ignored her.
Darren: So, where is she?
Miss: Uhm, that's her over there, Sir. *points at the glaring girl*
Darren: Wait! What? That's Zeph?
Zephyra: Yes, idiot. This is me. That's what you get for dragging me into this. Now, I look girly.
Darren: Psh. If only you can see yourself in a mirror, you'll love the results.

I handed her a small mirror. Even I am in love with the results, and not just the result, even the person herself.
Zephyra: Wow, this is pretty amazing.
Darren: See.
Zephyra: I'm keeping this look.

We headed to the counter and I paid for it. She thanked me and we went to her house.
Darren: You shouldn't show yourself to them so they would be surprised. Oh, by the way, I bought you dresses, sandals, shirts, shorts and make-up in case you'll need them.
Zephyra: Thanks, Dee. You're the best!

We decided to just stay in her room and watch netflix all day long.
Zephyra: Dee, can you sleep here?
Darren: Why?
Zephyra: I'm scared. What if Quinn comes back?
Darren: Oh okay. My parents won't worry anyway.
Zephyra: Thanks Dee!

And that was it actually. That was how I spent my whole Monday.

Hello munchkins! How's the 3rd chapter? Do you guys like it? I don't even understand it ._.  I love you guys! 😘

So, if you want to know more about me. Visit and follow me in my other social media accounts.

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