(This is my first story, and if you think it sucks, you are crap.)
(Valentina's point of view)
"If one of these men gives me another chessy smile, I swear..." I mumbled under my breath."Val, you only have to survive for five more minutes.After that, it will all be over." said my mom calmly, probably to make everybody think that she was a nice mom. My mom was auditioning men for the lead role in her play, "The love Catcher". It was all about, you guessed it, love. Mushy, gooey, icky, sicky love. And just for the record, love is crap. This is all because..well, it doesn't matter. And, just as a reminder, love is crap.
I realized I couldn't take any more. I ran up to the bathroom to see what needed to be plucked,popped, or pulled, when I saw it. Huge, round, giant pimple-things stuck to the side of my neck. I had the flu ages ago, and they were caused from that, but they sholud have been gone more than a week ago, more or less. "Mom..MOM! MOMMMM!", I yelled when I obviously could have just said it in a regular tone."Val, I'm busy. Maybe later, okay?" she said."Ummm...no. Later doesn't work. Now does, though." And soon enough, her and my fat dog Toots come trotting up the stairs.
"How do you explain this?" I said angrily.
"Maybe your'e sick again, I think." said my mom, sounding shocked.
"Aw, yeah! Maybe that's why I have been eating more, playing sports, hanging out with my friends, and doing teenage stuff. Yeah, I must be sick."I said sarcasticly.
"Wel, I guess I'll pay $500 dollars for you to go see a guy who comes in an hour after you get there and he talks to you for about five minutes."she said annoyed.
"Just call Dr.Trot."I said.
"You know, not everybody can be as funny as you." mom said.
"I know. My humor skills are to high for even Carrot Top to reach."I said, then strutted away with a skip and smirk look on my face.
(Will Isabella get out of school to go to the doctor?Will her mom ever be as funny as her? Will Toots ever become No more Toots?)