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Harry's P.O.V

"so we all get the plan yeah.."

My voice trailed off to see something that made me silent she looked beautiful. I've had this weird thought in my mind about Charley since last night, i must like her but nah she'll never go out with a dufuss like me. She's so funny and she always makes me laugh shush Harry you dont like her or do i?

Charley's P.O.V

i walked back stage were i saw all the lads huddled together then Harry just looking i gave him a cute smile and he came over to me.

"y.. look beautiful Charley"

at this point i was blushing i cant believe a reaaally hot lad...wait i dont like Harry.

"its cute when you blush"

which made me go even more pink. Before i could say anything else me and Kaylie got escorted to front seats.

The last song of the night LittleThings. Before it started Niall spoke.

"i just want to dedicate this song to a very special girl in this audience tonight Kaylie Smith, come up here beautiful"

Kaylie went all red then went on stage she sat on a stoll and Niall sang all of Little Things to here while the rest of the boys back up. Harry was just staring at me or i was just imaging it but he winked at me and it me and i felt my cheeks warm up.

"omg did you just see Harry wink at me"

The girl at the side of me said ah no he didnt he winked at me the song came to an end

Niall's P.O.V

I sang the last bit of the song every word i sang i meant it. I know it seems really fast but i am, i am in love with her, she's perfect to me.

"Kaylie Smith, i'm in love with you. I dunno what'll do without you, you make me so happy you make me laugh and your so beautiful. All i want to say is that iloveyou and will you be my girlfriend"

"yes yes i will"

I picked her up and swung her round planting a kiss on her lips, she kissed back i am, i am in love.

Charley's P.O.V

Well i definetly didnt expect that. I walked back stage still abit confused to what just happened but i was glad to see Harry.

I came backstage and as soon i took a step i got hugged by Harry obviously. He smelt like heaven i never wanted to let go.

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