Chapter 5

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Skye's POV

The bright sunlight calmly lit the whole room as I laid quietly in bed. It's 7 am now and I've been awake for an hour now, just thinking to myself.

I slowly sat up and turned to the other bed in the room where Kayla slept soundly.

If she hadn't said goodnight to me last night and we continued talking, I would have confessed to her and finally tell her that I love her.

I got out of bed and approached Kayla and gently sat next to her. I looked at her beautiful sleeping face and can't help but smile. I couldn't even imagine my life without her in it. I guess it's for the best that I didn't have the chance last night to confess. Maybe friendship is the only thing there is for us.

I slowly leaned in and stared at her lips as I tried my best to hold myself back from kissing Kayla. From an inch of a distance between our lips, I pulled back and instead placed a gentle kiss on Kayla's forehead before leaving the room.

If friendship is enough back then, it'll still be enough now.


Kayla's POV

When I heard the door closed, I jolted out of my bed, placing my palm over my chest as I felt my heart race as fast as ever.

Skye was going to kiss me on the lips!

I closed my eyes and recalled how gentle and soft yet full of care the kiss Skye placed on my forehead earlier.

"And I wished she did..."

I sat back down on my bed and realized an important thing. I have a date with Andrew today.


It's already 3:28 pm. I've already readied myself, outfit, make-up and all before heading to the living where Skye was hanging out and watching TV.

"Well, you look nice" Skye commented as soon as she saw me, "Have a date?"

"Yeah, want to come?" I joked as I sat next to her on the couch

Skye laughed, "No thanks! don't want to be a third wheel" she replied "and besides, I have a date of my own with Phoebe a little later. I'm just finishing this show then I'll get ready."

"With Phoebe?! really?! But I thought-" I paused and reluctantly finished my sentence, " like someone else?"

Skye shrugged and nonchalantly answered, "I do but it's not like I'm pursuing her or anything so going out with Phoebe wouldn't hurt"

"Yeah, but why her?"

"Why not? Like I said, she's interesting! Just chill okay? I'm not marrying her. It's just a friendly date"

I huffed and slumped down on the couch. Yeah it's a friendly date but I still don't like that Phoebe what's-her-face.

"You know how to get someone to chill out? Buy them ice cream" I teased, maybe buying me some ice cream would delay their date.

Skye turned to me and smirked, "Implying something?"

I smiled cheekily, "maybe...?"

Skye playfully scoffed and turned her attention back on the TV, "I don't have money to buy ice cream Kayla"

"Cheapskate!" I teased, "How are you going on a date if you don't have any money?"

"I'll make her pay the bill!" Skye grinned

I lightly slapped her arm and chuckled, "you're a really bad date!"

"Hey! She's the one who invited me to go!" She laughed out loud, "Nah, I'm kidding! You know, I'll never do that!"

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