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I woke up in the forrest. I had no clue who had brought me here. I looked around. Who had brought me here/ I looked around me. There was no trace of people here. I looked at the woods around me, what I saw gave ma a thread of hope. Hundreds of coconut trees sat there loaded with coconuts. I tried to climb the tree but I was too weak to do it. I decided to walk around and see if I could find a water spring. I walked through thicket upon thicket of bushes. I walked like what felt like hours. My legs felt week and my arms felt limp. When darkness fell I laid down underneath a coconut tree. By this point I didn't care and I grabbed a coconut that had already been eaten from. I ate and enjoyed every bite of the half rotted fruit. That night I froze in the cool air without a blanket or anykind of shelter. 

I woke up the next morning and emmediatley started work on a shack. I had learned how to make them in  survival class. I gathered palm branches and I found the perfect place to put them in the middle of a bamboo forrest. It was an opening just big enough for me to sqeeze through and small enough to keep any large predators from getting in. In the middle of the forrest was a large opening that I could make a shack and a fire without putting myself in danger. I leaned fallen bamboo into a three sided lean-to, then I took and layered the palm branches over all three sides. I then weaved some palm branches together to make a floor mat and a curtain for the door.  I then walked out onto the beach and found lots of drift wood. I put them at my "house" Then I walked down the beach a long way until I found some jetties. I searched until I found what looked like two pieces of flint stone.  I walked back to my camp and sat down. I dug for what seemed like forever and then packed the dirt down. I put the logs in the fire pit and started to strike the stones together. I kept goinguntil I felt my arms would off, then with one last urging strike a spark came off and hit my kindling just right to start a fire. I keprt giving it fuel and I slept, on an empty stomach, which was a feeling I getting used to.

The next morning I walked down the beach, what I found made me queazy. There was a dead Dauphin Fish on the fish. I knew what I had to do. I grabbed the smelly thing  by the tail and drug it all the way to my camp which was about three miles away from where I found the fish. The fish had started out light qas a feather but by the time I had gotten to my camp my long blonde hair was damp from sweat. I laid the fish down and started the fire back up. I sat two large rocks in the fire. Then I tore long stripes from  the fish. 

When it finished cooking I pulled it off the rocks. It was getting to be dusk now. When I finished eating i threw the fish away from my tent in case some animal decided I looked yummy too. I lay down and enjoyed the palm blanket i had weaved over dinner. I woke up the next morning and grabbed some of the fish I had cooked last night for dinner. I walked over to the coconut trees, I took a vine and yanked it off the tree, then I threw it over one of the pieces of bark that was sticking out of the tree. I yanked on the vine, it seemed safe enough so, slowly, I made my way towards the coconuts. The sharp bark cut my bare feet, and how I wished I'd had shoes. When I finally got to the top I tore off  all of the coconuts. Then several palm branches. Then I decided to climb to the top and see what I could see. I climbed up without my vine. As I passed one of the branches it cut my arm. I yelped but knew better than not to let go. I finally managed to the top. I saw a lone island. Then i looked in a little more deeply at the trees, what I saw shocked me. There was a whole section of the island about half a mile away. Pineapples,coconuts,papyas, starfruits, and mangos. I went to go down the tree but my foot missed and sent me tumbling through the air hitting the pointy bark and cutting myself on palm branches. My knes hit just right on a piece of wood, it split the skin open and blood poured out, but I didn't notice it, because I was just trying to gain my breathe back. I spit out blood from my mouth were my inside lip had busted. My whole body was covered with scrapes and I already saw some bruises appearring. I used my hands to help me get up but I winced in pain at the scrapes on them as they got more dirt in them. I Finally got to my feet, but when I put weight on my left foot i lost it. I yelled in pain then fainted hitting the ground with a thud.

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