When The Cold Became Warm (Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin Fan Fiction)

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A girl, about 9 years old, with snow white hair, pale skin, and yellow eyes scrubbed the dishes. Her name was Rin Alden. She didn't really smile, and when she did, it was a half-smile, similar to a smirk. Her eyes never revealed anything, and her personality was strange. She seemed to have no feelings, and she tried to not speak, as her manner of speech is slightly odd, and above her age. She was considered odd by the people in her village. 

Rin always protected the younger people in her village. Many of the boys didn't dare insult her, even if some of them were nearly twice her size. Speaking of which, the girl was extremely small. Well, not too small. No one had ever heard Rin laughed. Many of the children in the village spread rumors that if she ever did laugh, it would be cold, haunting, and eerie. The adults in her village often stayed away from Rin, often calling her devil. Her mother didn't hate her, but often disliked her actions.

Rin's father was part of the Survey Corps. He was constantly visiting their small hut, ruffling Rin's hair. And now, here was the small, creepy child, scurbbing away at the dishes. Her mother was next to her, rustling about to put away the pots and pans.

"Rin, have you finished?" her mother, named Yukiko, absently asked.

"Yes." answered Rin. She brushed away her bangs. "Father is supposed to be here today."

"True. I'm not sure what's keeping him, but I'm sure he will be back soon." Yukiko answered curtly. Rin didn't answer, her fair face molded into a blank expression.

A knock sounded from the door. Rin turned around, and walked towards the wooden door. She turned the knob, and opened it.

"Father?" she asked. Unfortunately, the man standing in the doorway was not her father.

"Child, please. Call your mother for me." the man said in a trembling voice. Rin slowly nodded.

"Mother? This man needs to speak to you." Rin turned her head and raised her voice slightly so her mother could hear her. Yukiko walked over, tilting her head slightly.

"I have some...news for you. Mrs. Alden, I take it?" asked the man. Yukiko slowly nodded, looking confused.

"Rin, please go to outside. I have a feeling this man wants to speak in private." Yukiko told her daughter. Rin sighed, then moved past the two adults, slowly breathing in the crisp, fresh smell of the air.

Rin sat down on the grass, her bare feet disturbing the tall stems as they swished to the wind. I wonder what they're talking about. Probably something about the Survey Corps. Father was always getting into trouble there. He came home once with his arm broken. I suppose he got injured. Rin considered these thoughts with careful decision.

Rin slowly glanced up, hearing the man's footsteps. He had a slightly disturbed expression on his face, but he jerked his head upwards, telling her to go to her mother.

"Mother? What did that man speak to you about?" Rin got up, brushed her bangs once more from her face, and slowly walked over to Yukiko. "Mother? What's troubling you?" Rin asked.

Yukiko was trembling, clutching her heart, eyes opened wide. "Mother. Please answer. I feel that there is something you want to share with me." Rin gently shook her mother.

Yukiko took in a trembling breath, then looked down at her daughter.

"Rin, my love. Have you ever considered what your name meant?" She asked. Rin slowly shook her head, her expression a bit more than concerned.

"No. Mother, I dislike your changing of subjects. How does this relate?" Rin told her mother. Yukiko smiled softly.

"Cold. That is what your name means. Mine means snow child. Your hair, reminds me so much of the cold." Yukiko whispered. Rin furrowed her eyebrows, slightly annoyed.

"Mother. Tell me what is of matter." she demanded. Yukiko bent down, and pressed her forhead gently against Rin's.

"Father..." Yukiko sighed deeply. "Father won't be coming home today. He...he's not here anymore." Yukiko straightened, her jaaw quivering.

Rin stiffened, her eyes showing no emotion, but on the inside, she was screaming. "Father's dead? How is that possible? Did a Titan eat him?" she asked her mother. Yukiko slowly nodded.

"Rin. I..have failed as a mother. I have screamed at you many times. I fear that I will do something terrible to you in the future." Yukiko turned around, and walked inside their hut. After a few seconds, she walked out holding two knives. She handed one to Rin.

"Rin. I want you to find Dr. Jaeger. He has been a friend of your father's. He'll take care of you. I didn't want to burden him like this, but I feel that it's necessary. I am no mother to you. In your search, please defend yourself with this knife. But I want you to know, that I love you." Yukiko smiled softly. She went back inside the hut.

Rin paused, then entered her house once more. There, lying in a growing pool of red blood, was Yukiko.

"Mother...you didn't need to." Rin whispered. She looked at her mother's dull eyes. "I will carry out your wish." Rin kissed her mother's cheek. "I'll see you in some time, Mommy." She murmured.

Rin stepped outside the door, and gently closed the door. She gripped the handle of the knife tightly. "I have no idea who Dr. Jaeger is. But, I will carry out my mother's wish." Rin muttered. She had no shoes on, so she walked back inside her hut, careful not to look at her mother's body. Rin snatched her cloth shoes, put them on, and walked back out.

Rin walked down the village. She occasionally asked an adult for directions, and they reluctantly gave her advice.

"Shiganshina District? What an odd name." Rin considered.

It soon started to rain. Rin didn't care; she just pressed on. Rin was rounding a corner, when a man leaped out of nowhere.

"Sir. Please let me pass." Rin calmly told him. The man sneered. He had a gun in his hand.

"I wonder if I could sell you." he considered. Rin's eyes narrowed. "That is not a wise idea. Now, don't make me repeat myself." Rin's hand slowly moved towards her pocket.

The man took no notice. "Or what?" he laughed. Rin's pale finger gripped the handle of the knife.

"I warned you." she whispered. She flashed out the knife, and, in one quick, fluid movement, sliced the man's throat. He fell to the ground, gurgling.

Rin brushed the bangs from her face, and continued her journey. Eventually, she stumbled across a man, a boy and a girl.

"Excuse me, but will you kindly tell me where the locations of Dr. Jaeger?" she politely asked them. The man looked surprised.

"I'm Dr. Jaeger. What's with the knife? Is that...blood?" Dr. Jaeger asked, alarmed. The boy was looking at Rin oddly, and so was the girl.

"Of course. I ran into some lunatic." Rin replied, as if this was some common occurrence. Dr. Jaeger tilted his head. "You must be Rin Alden, Yukiko's only child. What happened?"

Rin blinked once, then answered. "Father is dead. Mother killed herself. Before she commited suicide, she sent me out to find you." Rin replied, sliding the knife up her sleeve.

"Yukiko...she must've been driven mad by grief." Dr. Jaeger shook his head. "You can come with us. You have nowhere else to go." Dr. Jaeger glanced only briefly at her white hair, and yellow eyes.

"I'm Eren. Dr. Jaeger's my dad. This is Mikasa." The boy, who had introduced himself as Eren, gestured towards the girl, whom he called Mikasa.

"Pleasure meeting you both. I suppose you have gone through a severe situation?" Rin suddenly asked. Eren stiffened, as did Mikasa.

"Well...Mikasa's parents are dead." Eren slowly answered. Mikasa's eyes had a dead, glazed looked.

"I thought something similar had happened." Rin answered, her face set into a blank expression. And with that, the four set out home.

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