Chapter 9

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Sota's P.O.V
"Sota are you okay?" Asked Taiki and I just shook my head in tears. They said I'm safe but I really don't think I am "Let's watch some TV" said Hayate and turned it onto the movie channel. When we where watching a Movie the new came in half way in the movie "Breaking news just in Da-iCE's Sota Hamanauara was kidnapped and beaten up by two people with masks on. After being found Sota Hamanaura was rushed to hospital with a lot of injuries then later that day  he got to go with his group everyone at the New station wish Sota Hamanaura Hope he heals up well and gets back to singing and dancing with his group soon. That's all for today" then it went back to the movie. When the news ended I was looking down at the floor "Sota are you okay?" Asked Takate "I don't know anymore" I said

Yudai's P.O.V
"Sota are you okay?" Asked Takate "I don't know anymore" said Sota "Sota Do you want get some sleep in your bed or"asked Toru "I want talk about" "Are you sure?" Asked Hayate

Sota's P.O.V
-Flash Back (Also telling Takate and The guys)-

"Oh look the idol is awake" said the girl at this point I was that scared I was shaking like crazy "Mama what have we going to do next?" Asked the guy. The girl then Pulls out a needle with a drug in it. My eyes widen in fear "Yes it's a drug get over it" said the girl. She then put the sharp bit in my arm and and the drug slowly went into my body. I started to feel sleepy. When My eyes closed I feel asleep.

When I woke up I was in a lot of pain. My site was bad and same with my hearing "Good his awake" said the girl. The guy then took the tape off my mouth "W-WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!?" I yelled scared out of my mind "Oh you need to yell mostly at a lady" she said then slapped me on the face "Mama please" said the guy "What no one has found him and I don't think they ever will" said the girl "THATS NOT TRUE I KNOW MY GROUP IS LOOKING FOR ME AS WE SPEAK!" I yelled ever more scared. Then The girl pulled out other needle "No no no" I said I really don't want the needle. Then The guy put the tape back over my mouth and the girl gave me the needle.

-End of flash back-
"When I woke up In hospital I hugged my pillow then when Takate hugged me I started to cry. I couldn't take it anymore" I said "Wow" said Taiki "I think we should get some sleep mostly you Sota" "Can I sleep with Takate?" "Yes" then we all went sleep,

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