Max, Maxpein, Taguro

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Max, Maxpein, Taguro

A beauty within a beast

Hard as a rock outside,

But soft as a mallow inside

Max, Maxpein, Taguro

A lady always noticed

Every move is watched,

To create an issue to catch

Max, Maxpein, Taguro

Has a unknown identity,

Hides everything creatively,

To avoid the light shining directly

Max, Maxpein, Taguro

Thinks hypalothically,

Cannot be understand easily,

Due to her mindset that is witty

Max, Maxpein, Taguro

Full of care and compassion,

Dedicates every action,

To her family and companion

Max, Maxpein, Taguro

Loved by her nation,

Rose a commotion,

Which led to an unexpected decision

Max, Maxpein, Taguro

Has a contradicting attitude,

Makes her rude

and creates solitude

Max, Maxpein, Taguro

Made up of different chemical reactions,

Brings combustions

With a lot of combinations

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