Chapter 4

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Hello, I only have seven views on my last chapter which dis-encourages me to continue... but because I love my seven readers, I will continue even if by the end I have no readers. This chapter is going to be FULL of drama! I want to keep this interesting to keep people reading.

"No I don't want you here! Just please, leave me alone." Harry half whispered. Before I could reply he was already out of the auditorium. I quickly followed behind and caught up.

"Um where do you think you're going Mr.? I baffled.

" Somewhere I can just forget and have fun" He replied.

I stopped in mid tracks, but Harry didn't, so I quickened my pace and hopped in my car as he entered his. Since he got in before me his car started and he left. I hurried and dropped my things in my passenger's seat and turned my ignition on while already pressing acceleration. I had no idea what he meant by somewhere to 'have fun', but I had a hunch where he was going. I turned the radio on loud trying to drain my thoughts.

0.o ( Means times lapse)

Pulling up in a bar called Route 66, I threw on some shades and eyed the parking lot looking for Harry's car. As soon as I found my Waldo my mind had so many thoughts roaming through it. Why is he here? Is he going to get drunk? 'Of course, what else would you do in a bar' my mind scolded. Jumping out of my thoughts I entered Route 66. I had been here alot to drown the world and bang some random girl. I looked around and finally bingo. Harry was sitting on a red stool and talking to a girl with blonde hair and pale skin. After half a second he grabbed her hand and headed to the dance floor when she started to grind on him, him doing the same. I didn't like the sight of that so I did what every jealous person would do. I punched her.

"What the fuck man, is that your boyfriend! Sick fuck" She yelled as she held her face. I was about to punch her again, but then Harry spoke up.

"Yea that is my boyfriend, What are you going to do?" He asked slurringly. I smirked while looking at her as she struted off.

"So care to tell me how you found me?" He slurred.

"Did you follow me?" My face reddened, but I didn't say anything. He laughed. I could tell he was drunk so I motioned him to follow me as I walked over to a couch. I plopped my arse down and got comfortable, who knows how long I'm staying here. He followed. When he sat no one said anything, but then I heard a whimpering come from Harry.

"Oh love what's wrong?" He didn't answer. Instead he through his arms around me and cried into my chest. I could tell he was holding in alot, so I didn't question him. I looked down and noticed how small he was and how he fit onto me so nice. I looked out the window to try to make out what time it was, but there was a storm going on. After and hour, Harry finally stopped crying. I wasn't complaining, but I was tired. He looked up at me his eyes bloodshot red. I nudged him a little before he began laughing. I looked at him confused, but he even giggled.

"Sorry, you had to see me like this" he said.

"No. no it's fine seing you a mess- I mean"

"No don't say anything! I thought I finally had someone that didn't judge me, but life's full of suprieses" I took a moment to grasp everything, but when I did it was too late. He was already gone and this time it was my fault.






I would leave you off on a cliff hanger and never update in a month, but I'm in a good mood for once.

I got up and did only what I could think of. I ran after him. I didn't have to run far because i knew Harry wouldn't risk getting his hair wet so when I got out I let my eyes adjust to the lighting first and then looked around. He wasn't there. I continued walking down the side walk and found him laying on the ground unconsiously. I gasped and collapsed to the gorund shaking him.

"Oh who the hell did this, I'm going kill them" I muttered under my voice so only I could hear. Obviously I wasn't the only one who heard becasue Harry jolted awake and threw up. I stared blankly.

Harry P.O.V.

I was so mad. So I did the only thing I could think of. I ran away, well I tried. On my way I bumped into a couple of motorcycles. And Boom. I start getting thrown around and puched until all I could see was black.

Louis P.O.V.

I was relieved when he stopped throwing up and looked up at me. He didn't talk, he just loooked at me blankly. I scooped him up about to say something, but I heard soft snores comming from his mouth. I smiled to myself and layed him back down and threw my jacket on him because it was now drizzling. I carried him to my car constantly glancing at him to make sure he was ok. When I reached the car I pulled my keys out my pocket and opened the door to the back seat. I layed him down on the triple chair.

"Can I sit in the front with you? I don't like being alone."

I smiled because I knew he wanted to sit in the front because of his fright of thunder. But I nodded in response. I went over to my passenger seat and removed all the stuff I'd thrown before. After, I and replaced him in the passenger's seat. I went around and hopped in to my drivers seat. I reached over remembering to put Harry's seatbelt on and mine too. I turned the car on and only thought of the poeple who did such a thing to him.


We pulled up to my house because I decided to just tell his mother that we were up late studying and he stayed over. I ran around to the right side and opened his door for him before walking away.

"Carry me?" he mumbled.

And of course me being the good person I was I did. I walked up to my porch knocking instead of using my keys. Nobody opened so I was forced to pull my keys out and open it myself. I walked up the stairs struggling becasue Harry was bigger then me. I tucked him into my bed and changed his shirt only. I didn't want to rape him while he slept. After changing, I walked out my room closing the door slightly and making my way downstairs to form a bed on the couch. I forgot to get a blanket so I hurried back upstairs and went to get my blanket. I walked pass my room door checking to make sure he was alseep before turning around.

"Wait stay, I'm scared." Harry said shyly. I nodded and climbed in with him leaving space between us. I turned my back and it faced his face now. I didn't want him to see me grinning like this just because he asked me to stay. He put his arm around me and scooted closer, me shivering at his touch.

"Goodnight Lou." He whispered.

"Goodnight." I answered.






Soooo what do you guys think. No no no, they're not dating yet, but it's almost there. I decided to make a cute chapter and end it like this. Also what did you guys get for Christmas? I don't celebrate it, but I got the This Is Us Dvd and some posters! Eeep.

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