Another Long day

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-beep beep beep beep-
Ugh why is it Monday I swear the weekend just started.
I looked at the pile of clothes near my bed. Black skinny jeans, Def Leppard shirt, choker, A LOT of bracelets, black beanie, and black converse. Eh I'll get dressed later. I snoozed my alarm, put the nearest pillow over my head and went back to sleep. Yep this is going to be another day.. Another Long Day.
Eventually my brother woke me up since my mother has never done so because she doesn't care about anything. My brothers name is Phil, we have a close relationship because we were all we had growing up. Right now we're walking to school, or what we call, the hell hole. My life would be complete crap without Phil. He helps me get through everything.

I'm going to give you a background of my life so you know why.
At the age of 2, my dad divorced my mother after he found out she cheated on him, and my mom became an abusive alcoholic after that.
I get more abused than Phil does, simple because my mom likes Phil more. I've never done anything to her. Ever. She's always blaming me and Phil for our father leaving. Saying things such as, "he never loved you" or "he left so he didn't have to look at you hideous children." Some would say it hurt, but not for me and Phil. We knew it wasn't our fault. What hurt more was the new bruises left on us each day.

Me and Phil are 17 and 19, Phil being older, so we're planning on moving out soon. We just need to find a house suitable for us. After high school Phil wants to attend collage. I don't know what I'm going to do without him. It's scary to even think about it.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Phil poking me. "Annabel, you need to go to class, have a great day, love you," Phil spoke embracing me in a hug. "Bye Philly, love you too." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, because i don't want to enter this place. Phil's already to the door. he likes school, unlike me. ill have to go in any other way so i just slowly started walking into the building i hate the most.

Time to go in..
I hate school because Phil is leaving next year, attending as a senior (grade 12) right now, and I'm just a Sophomore (grade 10). Phil's got a lot of friends. I don't. I'm an outcast with one friend. Speaking of friend...

"Omph"I managed to get out as I fell on the floor with My best friend Harper landing right on me. "Oh sorry, I just got excited," she giggled. I got a laugh out as I stood up. "It's alright, how was your weekend?" I asked hugging her. "Good, but boring because I'm friendless." She said with a fake frown. "Same." I said with a sad puppy face. We're weird. "We should head to English."Harper says excitedly. "Awe is it because you want to be the first one to see Jonathan King?" I asked girly like. "Noooo. Yesss. Maybe.... Okay yes" she says as we both laugh. The bell rung and we ran like we run to the record store when they have a sale. Which is awfully fast. i didn't even get to go to my locker. oh well, i don't work or pay attention in class anyway. We got to class and Harper automatically glued her eyes to Jonathan. predictable. I stopped listening to whatever the class was discussing and started doodling in my notebook. we're not that long into the first semester but i've already went through three notebooks because all i do is draw in class. i draw a lot of random things that nobody but myself would understand. Before I knew it the bell rung for second period and i got my things together and jotted out of the room not even bothering to wait for Harper.

-Lunch locker break-
"Damnit," I said trying to open my locker.
"Having trouble there?" Brandon, one of the jocks, said with a smirk.
"No. I'm not. I got it." I opened it traded my books out and ran to Lunch.

that was Brandon James Anderson, co-captain of the soccer team. he's the type to mess around with a girl then leave her heartbroken the next day. two moths ago word got out that he wants me next, but I won't let that happen. unfortunately, he won't give up without trying, so he gets any chance he can to talk to me.

Why me? // Dan Howell ficWhere stories live. Discover now