Chapter 37: stronger

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            The next day...
     *Wednesday morning...

Gia's POV:
I suddenly wake up to the sound of knocking on my bedroom door.

"Gia? Are you awake?
'I hear a small voice say.

"Duh... I am now!
'I say wiping my eyes.

"Can I come in?

"Yeah.. hold on.
'I say getting up.

I suddenly realize I was sleeping on the floor... I was so tired last night I didn't even have the energy to get up in my bed.
'I look around and see all my suit cases stacked on each other.

I stand up and stumble to the door to open it.
When I open it I see Cassie standing there holding a coffee and a donut.

"What do you want?
'I groan.

"Aww someone didn't sleep well...
'She says.

"Yeah.. not really, I slept on the floor.


"I don't know? I literally rushed to get all my bags ready, and when I finished last night I just collapsed on the floor.

"Wow.. that's crazy!
Well here's some coffee and a donut. It might wake you up.

"Thanks Cassie...
'I say taking the donut and coffee.

I walk over to my bed to check my phone.
It said 5:44

"Ugh... it's so early
'I say sipping my coffee.

"Yeah, I'm use to it. I love waking up early.
'Cassie says sitting on my bed.

I look up at her and frown when she sits down.

"Why are you being so nice to me?
'I ask.

"Why wouldn't I be so nice to you?
'She giggles.

"BECAUSE! I've been so rude to you ever since we met Cassie.

"Yeah I know....

"Then why do you insist to try to be friends with me?

"Because Gia, your an amazing girl! I don't care if your mean or rude to me.
What I see is a beautiful, wonderful woman. And some day you will become strong and brave, and be something wonderful one day.
'She smiles.

"You really think so?

"Of course... don't let your past bring you done, even though it was bad and tragic. Just stay strong.

"I'll try...
'I say sighing.

"I wish you lucky Gia, I really do!
'She smiles.

I suddenly put the donut and coffee down, and I hug her tightly.

"Thank you for understanding me and believing in me Cassie.
'I say trying not to cry.

"No problem sweetie.
'She whispers.

'We let go out of our tight hug... and stare at each other for a couple of minutes.

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