The Call- An Introduction

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You all have little to no memory of the person who made you what you are now- a vampire, if you will. Their appearance, gender, voice. Most of it a distant memory. It was like the memory was erased from your mind. It may have bothered you a bit. Hell, it could have not even been a concern. Either way, you never heard from them again until only a few days ago.

They got clever based off how they contacted you. Whether it be by phone (the person speaking to you only saying they were told by "your maker" to reach you), letter, or even in some cases getting someone to you in person, They were able to reach you. The way of contact depended on how you lived. It was as if they had been watching you enough to know. No one got a more personalized message than another person. It was all the same. A list of names and two cryptic sentences.

"Find them. It's time."

For once, things have never been more clear. You were made what you are for a specific reason. And if you don't act upon it now, who knows what will happen.

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