The Hunter

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Oh? You thought your Maker was your only issue? You're funny.

Name: Annis Westergaard

Age: Early to mid twenties

Gender: Female

Appearance: Annis looks too innocent for her own good. Her curly blonde hair that travels down to the middle of her back and her large foggy blue eyes can easily lead you to assume she's younger than she really is. She's not all that built and falls on the short side, but at the same time not very curved either. She's got a rather small build that's made up for with heeled footwear and a very professional yet still fashionable form of dress. Do not underestimate this young beauty. She's almost always armed, and her size allows her to be quicker than most.

Personality: Annis is quite the serious person. She hardly ever smiles and laughs even less than that. Her mind is always focused on the payoff, and almost everything she does it to get to the end goal. Often times she's rushing through life, never stopping to see what's in front of her. She's got a pretty morbid sense of humor, and is more often than not a pretty monotone person. Annis carries herself like a noble and demands to be treated as such in conversation without ever asking for it. She's not an easy person to get on the good side of. Who knows if she even has a good side to be on. What purity she has in her looks is balanced off by how ruthless she is. There's no mercy given, no matter who you are. She will not hold back against those that wronged her.

In this case, it happens to be your species.

Backstory: There is little to no information given on her. There's only a few things you need to know. She's experienced. She's been in the business for some time now, and is no longer phased by death. Do not let her know what you are.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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