The Mediator

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Name: Giles "Gill" Maxwell

Age: 33

Gender: Male

How old you were when turned: 23

When you were turned: November 31st, 2006

Appearance: Gill is pretty well put together young man who always dressed and carried himself highly, even when things seemed to be crashing down. His dark hair is more often than not styled (if it's not, there's clearly a problem), which is complimented by his hazel eyes (depending on the lighting, they can seem more green than brown.). He's a tall and thin individual who's got very little intimidation factor. Before becoming a vampire, he was a very weak person. It's all thanks to the powers he obtained when becoming undead that he can fend for himself at all. He always had a lighter complexion even before becoming what he was, so after being turned, his skin only got more of a washed out look. To any other vampire not mesmerized by the immortality, he probably looked sickly.

Personality: There's one thing to know about Gill that's a big part of who he is: He strives to know everything. This is both a good and bad thing. On the bright side it makes him more open to new ideas. He's more eager to learn and takes in information much better than an average person. There's a downside to this as well. He's far too curious for his own good, and often will go into things blinded by his desire to know. It's gotten him into trouble many times. Gill is the one who will take initiative on most things. It's how he was brought up. Throughout his life, he was always the one placed in charge of things. It's become second nature to him to be the one to volunteer due to this belief that no one else will if he doesn't. His time as a leader has given him more patience than most, though even he has a breaking limit. Gill is also one of those people who loves facts. You can bet that after becoming this, he damn well did his research and is more than willing to share his findings/learn more from you all. However, there's still so much more left to learn and he knows that. That's why he feels so compelled to find this make of all of you.

Backstory: Gill always lived a fairly simple life. He was an only child, had both his parents and grew up pretty privileged. He went to college and studied education with the hopes of becoming an English teacher. He was fresh out of college and looking for work around the time he was turned. Gill had been coming home from a New Years Eve party a college friend of his was throwing when he was attacked. He woke up in an alleyway with a painful bite in his neck and a newfound thirst for blood. He tried for a long time to keep this side of him hidden. He was afraid of it for a long time. It was the one thing he was okay with not learning about. It wasn't very long until a few accidental murders began to link together and people grew suspicious of him. Gill had no choice but to run away after that. From there forward he began his research on his vampirism to ultimately control it and somehow live normally. It was only until recently when his maker reached out to him that he thought he had everything laid out.

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