chapter 2

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Nico POV:

I opened my eyes and immediately groaned. I was in the infirmary. Which means that I passed out. Which means that Will was right...again.

Stupid Nico. Why'd you let yourself pass out? Now Will is gonna make you stay in the clinic even longer.

I smacked myself on the forehead. What's wrong with me?

"Nothing's wrong with you Nico. You just don't like being wrong."

My head shot up so fast, it slammed against the headboard of the cot I was laying on.  I grimaced and rubbed the fresh sore on my head.

"I guess I said that out loud, huh?" I looked up and saw Will holding in his laugh as he rummaged through a drawer.

"Yes. You did. Now let me help you out there, you're bleeding." I looked down at my hand and saw that it was full of dark red blood... Great.

"Fantastic. Blood's my favorite ." I rolled my eyes, feigning disinterest. On the inside however, I was dying. Blood has forever made me squeamish. It's so gross... That shit belongs inside your body!

Will rolled his eyes too, mocking me. "Is that why you're turning green?" I blushed. "Oh and now back to red Nico. Do we need to check that out?"

"Maybe I'm turning crazy colors because all the blood is leaving my head!" I snapped back, embarrassed that Will had pointed out both my sickly complexion AND my blush.

"Whatever Neeks." Will rolled his eyes and, with a smile, started bandaging my head.

I feel okay-ish about this chapter. Also it's 11:53 pm and my lips are bleeding help. Night frens (:

-Starry eyed teen that's very tired of being sick

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