Chapter 3

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I don't own PJO

After Will finished wrapping my head, he left the room saying that he had other patients to look after. I will admit, I was kinda upset that he had to leave. As much as I pretend I hate him, Will is super sweet and since I met him has been there for me through everything. Of course it helps that he's one of the hottest people in the world.

I scowl at myself. I need to stop. Having a crush on Will is okay as long as that's all it is. But it's starting to become more than that. It's becoming blushing and giggling when he opens his mouth. It's becoming dreaming about him. But then, it's so difficult to not fall in love when he's... Well, him.

"Earth to Nico... You there buddy?" I blink a few times. Will is leaning over me with a stethoscope on my chest. "Have you been listening at all?"

I grimace, I hadn't even noticed him come back into the room.
"Ah no sorry, could you repeat that?"

Will scowled and I immediately felt terrible, "It's not worth it anyway. I have to go get your medicines. I'll be right back." And with that he turned and left.

I smacked myself on the head. Stupid stupid stupid. Why didn't I listen to him? Now he's upset!
I felt my chest starting to rise and fall unevenly as I began to hyperventilate. 
I felt a sharp pain on my lip and tasted blood a few seconds later. I had bit through my lip. Tears were streaming down my face and I hurriedly smashed my fist against my cheeks, trying to rub the tears away.  I couldn't make it stop.

"Hey Nico I'm back. I figured I'd go ahead and bring you lunch while I was at it since you haven't eaten in a while and it's noon. Plus you can't take this on an empt-" he cut himself off as he looked up and saw me shaking in my bed. "Nico!?"

I heard myself sobbing. It sounded like I was underwater.

"Nico, baby it's okay. Calm down I'm here." I clutched to Will desperately as he sat down next to me on the cot. "Neeks breathe with me. In and out."

"I can't!" I choked out, gagging on my own tongue.

"Yes you can. In and out with me. Ready? Hold my hand. In and out." He began breathing slowly while grasping my hand tightly in his. I tried to follow his breathing.

"That's it baby. In and out. Just like that."  He sat with me, breathing slowly until I had it under control.

"Feel better now baby?" He asked, wiping a tear from my cheek. I simply nodded, not trusting myself to not start crying again. "Good. Do you want to tell me what's wrong?"

I shook my head no and leaned away a bit. "I uh, can I go to the bathroom?" I asked, moving to get up and run. Will must have guessed my next moves, because he wrapped one hand around my wrist, and the other tightly around my hip.

"Stay here baby. It's okay, you know I won't judge you."

I sighed. "It's really embarrassing Will."

"That's okay."

And so, with shaking breath, I opened my mouth and prepared to lose my only friend.

AN: Sorry this is crap

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