Morganville Vampires is a book series by Rachel Caine.
This isn't the typical human and vampire romance even though that is covered in the series.
The story follows sixteen year old Claire Danvers who moves to the small town of Morganville, Texas to attend Texas Prairie University. When she runs into trouble in the dorms she looks for a room off campus. She finds a room in the Glass house occupied with Eve Rosser, Michael Glass and Shane Collins. Claire soon discovers that Morganville isn't just a sleepy town in Texas it is actually occupied and ran by Vampires.
With a crazy bi-polar vampire Myrin as her boss who wears vampire bunny slippers (which you can actually buy from the Morganville vampire website).
I started reading the series when I was around thirteen/fourteen year old (now I'm twenty) and I still love reading it.
I love the love story of Claire and Shane and I can honestly say Shane Collins was the first book character I fell totally in love with and I do often say I want my own Shane Collins.
There are fifteen books in total in the series and an additional book which contains all the Morganville vampire short stories that Rachel Caine has wrote.
When Fall of Night was released (book 14) I met Rachel Caine at a book signing and was so happy. I got a free Morganville tote bag filled with a Morganville ID card and glow in the dark Morganville wrist band (which I had misplaced somewhere in my room). Rachel was so nice and is totally awesome.
I have always preferred these books to twilight and think they should make big movies out of them, but we did get a web series of the first book which can be found on YouTube.
(Any Morganville vampire fan sorry for the spelling mistakes I may have made. I am currently writing this on my phone so I will spell check it all when I on my computer)

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