Chapter 8

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Jeff POV

Ughhhhh, I hate being on tour with Bobby. I know he is my husband and all, but when we on tour, he acts like I don't exist and that we are not even married like bruh come on now. YOU are the one  that asked ME to marry you. I could've said no, but I loved you that much that I said yes.

Right now, we are on the tour bus, I was in my room just minding my own business, when Bobby comes in and starts bothering me for no reason. And I was about to call the girls and then go to sleep, so what does he want.

"Hey baby, what you doing?" He asked.

"Um, I was about to call the girls and then go to sleep," I answered with no enthusiasm in my voice at all. I was really tired and didn't want to be bothered.

"Oh ok babe. You get your rest, now okay?" He said getting up, giving me a kiss on the forhead, and walking out of the room. Well there you have it people, my life when I go on tour with Bobby. Its nothing new, he been doing that ever since we got married.

But when we at home, that is a whole another story. He is almost always near me almost everyday of the week and sometimes it gets annoying but hey that's life for you.

I got my phone out so I can call Craig. I haven't talked to her since I left and I already talked to Chres and Elijah. And the last time I talked to Chres, she said to call Craig to check up on her. I was so confused but I was going to do it anyways and see what's up with her life right now.

I dialed Craig's number and it ranged three times before she answered. When she answered I heard some giggling, so I know Rayan was with her.

"Baby stop, I'm on the phone....ok ok but we will finish this later, alright....ok..... hello?"

"Hey girl, what did Rayan do to you?"

"Nothing, he was just tickling me so it took him forever to stop and now he did,"

"Ok, so Chres said that I had to talk to you to make sure that you are ok. So are you ok? What happened?"

"So um Rayan and I broke up because of a one time thing that he did. But now, we are back together and everything is normal,"

"What he do to make y'all break up?"

"He got drunk and slept with some girl, that won't stop calling him and claiming that he got her pregnant,"

"Oh, so do I have to beat some asses when I come back because you know I will,"

"Nah, Rayan and I are back together and he keeps denying that he really got her pregnant, so yeah we good. If I need some asses beat, I will call you up, ok?"

"Alright, that's good to hear,"

"Yeah it is. So are you and Bobby been doing?"

"He is acting like how he is on tour. But it's good. I learned to just live with it,"

"Ok, keep thinking that because it's not. I have to go, Rayan keeps bugging me to make some food,"

"Alright, I will talk to you later then,"

"Ok bye,"


I felt bad for Criag. She has so much going on in her life that she doesn't need this. But hey, life is life for ya. Whatever happens, it happens.

After my phone call with Craig. I got up from my bed and changed into my pajamas. Once I was done putting on my PJ's, I went to my bed and fell into a deep and comfortable sleep.

Awwww, I feel bad for Jeff. Why does Bobby have to be such an idiot to Jeff on tour. Well like Jeff said whatever happens, happens.

Butttttt, if you liked the chapter make sure you share, comment, and vote please. And if you didn't then can you at least share and comment, but no negative things alright?

Bye-bye from the one and only,


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