Tony pov -Saturday morning- I woke up happy as hell. Last night was the best I've ever had and I can't wait for more anyway enough with all of that let me check my social media. I checked Instagram, snapchat, and Facebook and like always there is nothing but drama, bullshit, and people being petty.
After the I went to brush my teeth and shower. I decided to look cute today so let's see what in my closet. Crop top no, jumpsuit, dress yes. Ohhhhhh I'm about to be sexy.
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Isn't that sexy. Ok next makeup, I decided to do a lite blue smokey eye with a nude lip and my wispy lashes and I flat ironed my hair bone straight. By the way my hair is in a bob cut so it was kinda short anyway back on track. Now all I have to do is put on my shoes and I put on my nude heels.
I walked back into my bathroom and made sure I looked good and I felt like something was out of place. I put my hand under the sink and felt around for my gun but I realized it was gone. Where the hell is my gun. I ran into the room and woke lily up.
Me- LILY WAKE YO ASS UP !!!! Lily- why the hell are you screaming ??? Me- where's my gun?? Lily- your what?? Me- lily now is not the time to act dumb where is my fucking gun Lily- oh it's downstairs on the kitchen table Me- why the hell is it down there Lily- because when I came home last night I heard someone in the kitchen so I got your gun and went to see who it was Me- ok so who was it Lily- it was just Caleb Me- *sighs* omg lily Lily- sorry Me- whatever just put it back next time Lily- ok
I went to go get my gun from downstairs. I swear she do some dumb shit she lucky she babymama or ass would have been out. I need to eat before the morning gets me even more pissed off.
I went to the frigid and got me some left over pizza and a peach Fanta. Don't judge me. I warmed up the pizza and sat down at the kitchen table and got on YouTube. While I was watching my favorite YouTuber I got a text from Landon that said.
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This boy is way to cute. That just made me ten times happier. I was in my own little world and didn't realize lily came downstairs.
Lily- TK hellllllooooo earth to TK Me- huh oh wassup Lily- well you were staring in space for a min grinning like the joker wassup Me- oh nothing just thinking Lily- mhm ok and why you all dressed up Me- because I wanted to look cute is that alright with you Lily- smart ass Me- I rather me a smart ass than a dumb ass Lily-...... Me- oooohhhh look at you stuck in the face
With that being said I got up put my plate in the sink and got my keys and purse. I told Lily to hurry her ass up if she wanted to go to the mall because I did not feel like being there all day.