I'm walking around the mall trying to find one of my favorite stores. See this is what I get for not having a life but oh well.
I eventually find Traffic my favorite shoe store ever. They have the cutes heels. I walk into the store and go straight to the boots because it's getting cold and I just really love heeled boots. I tried on almost ever pair in the store. I think the employee that's been helping me is getting irritated with me. Let me go before she cuss me out.
I walk up to the cash register with the employee that's been helping me and I think she deserves a tip so today is her lucky day.
Me- hey I'm sorry I was being so picky early let me give you something.
Employee- no it's alright I mean it is my job
Me- no I feel bad here take this
I grabbed a $50 dollar bill out of my purse and gave it to her
Employee- omg you really didn't have to do this
Me- but I wanted to so keep that and when I pay for my shoes you can keep that change
Employee- thank you so so much
Me- not a problem bye- bye
Employee- bye and thanks again
Me- your welcome
I feel better now. I'm not as mad as I was so with that being said its time to eat. I walked to the food court and got me some pizza because it's my favorite and went to sit down.
While I was eating I got a text from Landon.
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He is so sweet yet so corny and I absolutely love it.
I got done eating and threw my trash away and decided to got shop a little bit more. So I'm minding my business right when I hear the most annoying voice ever created and I knew exactly who it belongs to. Stacy White, I swear this bitch is everywhere. So just when I'm about to walk into rue 21 this bitch just had to step in my way.
Stacy- aye look it's the fat bitch herself Me-........ Stacy- what are you doing here?? They don't have whale sizes. Me-........ Stacy- why so quite Me- because I don't talk to inanimate object's Stacy- what did you just call me Me- plastic now goodbye Stacy- don't walk away from me bitch Me- nah I think I will bye
With that I walked away from that thing because I had no patience for the foolishness.
I went to a few more stores then I went to cold stone because I had a craving for some coffee ice cream. I texted Lily that it's time to leave and she said she will be there in 5 mins.
I was texting Jacob and Caleb in a group chat when i heard my name being called I looked up and saw KO, Trey, and Lily walking towards me. I just rolled my eyes and put my phone away. Lily- is it ok if they come back to the house with us Me- no Lily- why not Me- because Lily- because what Me- because is the answer you get if you can't figure it out then I don't know what to tell you
Lily pov Lily- I'm sorry you guys I don't know why she's acting like that
Trey- you and me both know why she is acting like that and I get it maybe next time
Lily- yea maybe next time bye
Ok that was a bust maybe TK and me should just get some pizza and stay in the house. When I got in to the car I saw TK typing on her phone and smiling hard. I wonder who she's texting that got her smiling so hard. Did I mention she hasn't looked up yet therefore she doesn't know that I'm in the car.
( 5 mins later)
Damn she still texting. Who the hell is she texting. I cleared my throat but that didn't get her attention so I did it again but she still didn't move so I yelled her name and she jumped looking up at me.
TK-oh sorry let's go
We drove back to the house in silence even the radio was off. I think I should say something so I proceed to do so but before I can the car starts to ring I look at the caller ID and it says Monte. What does he want he want.
( phone convo)
TK- hello
Monte- hey baby girl wassup
TK- hey Tay
Monte- what I tell you about calling me that
TK- what did you say I forget
Monte- don't get beat up
TK- by who
Monte- me lil nigga
TK-whatever what the hell you want
Monte- I was seeing if you wanted to come to a smoke session with me
TK- yea sure
Monte- and bring tink
TK- ooooooo why
Monte- just bring her
TK- ok damn and I want my stash not that week shit you give yo lil friends
Monte- you know I got you
TK- what time should I be there
Monte- 9
TK- ok cool bye tay
Monte- man stop calling me that
TK- *laughing* ok bye boy
Monte- bye girl
Ok well I guess we're going to go smoke but she knows I don't smoke. We are going to have to talk about this but right now I'm hungry so we are going to baldino's