Chapter 20

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Lily pov
So are we going to just act like she didn't just put this nigga in his casket just then no ok.

Tell me why the whole way to Monte's house TK just had to play almost every August Alsina song this man has every made and what made it worse was Monte lived downtown (just so you know we live in Baltimore ) I'm about to go crazy but I refuse to touch that radio because last time I did we almost died so nope I'm good.

We finally pulled up to Monte's house. Thank the lord because one more song and I would went insane. We got out and TK unlocked the door with her key. Ok let's stop right here how in the hell did she get a key wait you know what never mind. We walked in and the whole football and some of the basketball team was here and a couple of hoes.

I was about to ask TK something but she wasn't there. How the hell she just going to leave me like that so I just walked into the kitchen with Tink and saw TK standing on top of the kitchen counter looking for something. What the hell is her short ass looking for.

Lily- what the hell are you doing TK you can't just be standing on these people counters like that
TK- and whose going to stop me
Lily- Monte
TK- child bye he ain't going to do anything
Lily- what are you looking for anyway
TK- my stash of weed because I don't smoke what Monte gives them
Lily- wow but you need to get down before you fall
TK- trust me I won't fall I've done this way to many times to fall

Wow just wow

Monte walked in and saw TK standing on the counter but all he did is get the beer sitting in front of her I just looking like what the fuck, how just how. Then this nigga just walked away with Tink.

Tink pov
I am mentally screaming right now because Monte and I were talking. Aye don't judge me I finally get to have a conversation with my crush and looking at him up close if just to die for.

Monte- so do you smoke
Tink- nah not really
Monte-tonight is your lucky night but the weed we smoking doesn't do anything so you should be good
Tink- if you say so

We walked into the living room and sat down next to a girl with blue hair. It's really ugly to be honest with you but now is not the time to be shady. I looked at all the people here and most of them I tutored because the school I go to had a lot of dumb mother fuckers.

Tony pov
Oh my fucking god where the hell is my stash I know I put it here the last time I came. I'm really about to chock a muthafucka out and that person is going to be Monte if I don't find my shit soon.

Monte- oh shit I'm sorry I moved it because my parents almost found it
Me- so where is it
Monte- in my room under my bed taped to the mattress
Me- I hate you

This raggedy bitch and he better not have smoked my shit or we will fight. I went to his room and found Lily sitting on the bed talking in the phone and just by the way she was talking I already knew who it was so me being the bitch that I am I hung up the phone for her.

Me- I'm sorry but Lily will not be able to finish this call so call back later fool.
I know I'm mean oh well sorry not sorry
Lily just looked at me with the funniest mean mug ever. She does not know how to be mean when it comes to me. I just laughed and got what I came in here for and told Lily to bring her ass on.

I went down stairs found a place to sit and started to roll up my weed and the whole time niggas just staring. I think it because my weed was pink.

Nigga 1- Aye Monte what type of  weed she got and where can I get some
Monte- it's her personal stash and you can't get any because it's only for her
Nigga 2- how come
Monte- because she my sister
Nigga 1- what that got to do with anything
Monte- it's means mind yo fucking business nigga
Nigga 1- man whatever

I guess he mad oh well I don't give a fuck now let's get little o Lily high. I rolled two blunts and gave one to Lily. She tried to give it back but I told her if she didn't smoke it I would cancel our trip that we take every year to the Bahama's. She took it and damn near  coughed up a lung now she hit the blunt again and got used to it

7 hours, 10 blunts, and about 14 boxes of pizza later everyone fell asleep where they fell including Lily but I couldn't leave my girl on the floor so I had Monte carry her to the guest bedroom and I took off her clothes and change her into some pajamas that I had here and yes I'm have my own room in Monte's house. After that I took off my clothes and went downstairs to get some more pizza because I was still hungry and mind you all I have on is underwear and not no ugly underwear either. I just really don't give a fuck who sees.

I walked back upstairs and looked into Monte's room and saw Tink and Monte all cuddled up and of course I took a picture and went to my room. I saw Lily's phone ringing and it was Aj calling so I answered told him Lily was sleep and hung up. Now it's my turn to go to sleep


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