Prologue: Bippity Boppity Boo

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Once upon a time, there was a royal couple. This royal couple was about a royal baby, and her name would be Faith. Faith would have all the qualities of her mother, Cinderella. She would be kind, beautiful, and she would posses an enormous love for animals.

In order to protect their daughter, the prince and princess asked Fairy Godmother if she would create a new world, almost like Wonderland, where the next generation of fairy-tale characters would learn about their stories. Even the children of villains were expected to attend. However, they weren't expected to be their parents, they were expected to learn how to be royalty. They'd learn about literature, science, the arts, and much more. Some classes would even involve magic for those who possessed it in some shape or form.

Fairy Godmother happily obliged, creating another world full of beautiful plants, animals, clouds, and a magnificent sun. She made it so the weather would portray what the majority of children felt everyday and the animals she added would cause no harm to them. In middle of this world, she created a castle out of a mountain. This castle held hundreds of corridors and even more rooms. Dorms were placed on all levels, except for the towers. They were used to home observatories and nests. The castle held numerous dining rooms, ballrooms, art galleries, courtyards, gardens, and even it's own little wood. Stables were scattered all over and a large city was placed all around the castle. This would allow the student body to shop, explore, and hold festivals and celebrations.

Pleased with her work, Fairy Godmother reported back to Cinderella and Charming. Before they knew it, invitations were sent all over the princes and princesses, for their children would one day attend Future's Castle.

Soon after the castle's completion, Faith was born. Her parents were overjoyed and celebrated her birth by releasing the truth about the castle. Their subjects were ecstatic that the new princess would grow up in a safe place with other royals around her. Although they were worried about the villains' offspring, they believed that their rulers would be free from danger. When it became known that Merlin would teach there, Disney's next generation would be nothing short of amazing.

---15 Years Later---

"Faith, Fairy Godmother's here to escort you to your future!" Cinderella exclaimed, running into her daughter's room. "I'll be there shortly, so don't worry! I still can't believe I was asked to teach there!"

"Mother, I'm not worried, though I am nervous. Won't the others think me to be conceited? After all, I'm destined to be queen. That doesn't mean I wish others to be envious of me." Faith replied, standing from her bed. "I'm happy you're excited though, if that makes any difference."

"My darling, you have nothing to worry about. Almost everyone there shares the same destiny. You're not the only princess in the world, but that doesn't make you any less wonderful. You'll always be special to me and your father." Cinderella walked over and hugged her daughter. "And remember, Maribelle will be heading there as well. You already have your first friend!"

"Oh, I almost forgot! Maribelle would be disappointed in me if she knew I had forgotten. She's one maiden that's not easy to forget. She's rather special, that girl." Faith returned her mother's hug, but when she saw Maribelle standing in her large doorway, she ran over to her.

"Well, I'm happy to know you find me special," She said, smiling. She wore a periwinkle cloak and a lovely white gown. "Are you excited or nervous? Unfortunately, I'm more nervous than excited and I firmly believe I speak for you too when I say that."

"You know me all too well, Mari. Sometimes, it's hard to pull something over you."

"Not to mention there's almost never something to pull over."

"Well, you two better hurry," Cinderella started. "All the professors will arrive tomorrow, including myself. When we do arrive, get ready to learn as we have much to teach." With that, the two girls made their way down to a golden carriage at the castle entrance. Fairy Godmother helped them inside. Maribelle sat by her grandmother and Faith sat down across from her. As the carriage started moving, Faith looked out the window. A lovely autumn breeze brushed across her face, but it soon faded when the carriage crossed through a large portal. Soon, the only thing Faith could see was a large castle, much larger than her own.

"Oh my goodness, Fairy Grandmother, why this place is giant! It looks like a beautiful labyrinth that could tempt even the wisest of souls into it's terrifying trap. However, I'm sure no one will stay lost for long." Faith said, a little fearful of the great palace.

"Oh dearest child, I forgot how shy you are. You must have realized how large of a student body this place could hold. Don't worry, Maribelle and I will always be here for you." Fairy Godmother said, comforting the young princess.

"Thank you, Grandmother. That truly means the world to me." Faith replied, a small smile on her face. From that point, she seemed more relaxed and exited the carriage with more grace than when she entered.

"Look! Some of the others are arriving as well!" Maribelle pointed to other carriages parked in front of the school. "We better head inside and find our dorm!"

"Well, I'll see you two dearies tomorrow. Have a magical day, my children! I'll be off," Fairy Godmother said. With a flick of her wand, she was gone.

The two girls made their way inside. When they saw the main entrance, they could do nothing but gawk at the giant chandelier in the center of the room. It created a rainbow affect that spread all throughout the room.

"Good use of diamond and opal, grandmother," Maribelle said, smiling at her grandmother's creation. "It's extraordinary, is it not?"

"It's gorgeous. Grandmother is such a talented woman, but don't worry. I have no doubt in my mind you'll be just as talented, if not more," Faith said, nudging her friend.

"Why thank you, Faith," said Maribelle. The young ladies shared a short laugh.

After getting directions to the ladies' dormitories, they walked up the large stairwell and started towards their home for the next few years. They passed multiple corridors and got lost only once before a fairy helped them. When they finally approached their common room, their mouths fell agape. The common room was full of pastel colors and beautiful decorations. Fairy Godmother saved no expense when it came to making this place feel like home.

Maribelle and Faith continued down a bright corridor until they found their names engraved on a large white door. When they entered, they saw a great room full of light blue furniture. Two beds were placed on opposite sides of the room as well as desks, and two closets. In the center of the room, there lied a couch, two chairs, a table, and a dish full of chocolates. The two girls ran over and they each grabbed a truffle.

"She even remembered our favorites!" Maribelle exclaimed.

"She never ceases to amaze us!" Faith agreed.

"Ready to learn how to be a queen?" Maribelle asked?

"Only if you're ready to get your wand," Faith replied.

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