Chapter 1: Well, Hello

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Today was it, all the teachers had finally arrived and school was going to begin soon. Yes, it started tomorrow, but now, it was the time to buy everything needed in order to prepare.

"Faith, please wake up," Maribelle whispered to her snoozing friend. "We need to purchase some parchment paper, quills, and who knows what else. Get up!"

"No, thank you. That ball gown is lovely, but I'm more of a chartreuse type of lady," Faith whimpered, clearly still asleep.

"Faith, I love you, but get up!" Maribelle yelled, pulling Faith out of bed. She fell onto the floor, covered in sheets. That still not waking her up, Maribelle decided this would be the perfect opportunity to practice her magic.

"Um, let's see what I can do," she began. "Please do wake up, we have to hurry. Um, bippity boppity boo?" With a flick of her wand, a bright beam shot out the end and hit Faith. However, she was still asleep.

"Well, that's unfair. I've used magic before with those words, why isn't she awake?" Maribelle pondered. "No time to worry, right now. I must wake up this sleeping beauty."

She walked over to the sleeping Faith and pulled her up. She sat her once more on the bed and waited. How could she possibly walker her up? As far as she was concerned, there weren't any princes that Faith fancied.

Snapping her out of her thoughts, Maribelle heard singing coming from across the hall. She put in her favorite slippers, which were swan themed, and left her room. She tiptoed across the hall, and learned up against another door.

"La, la, la," she heard a voice sing. This voice was absolutely enchanting; she never heard anything like it before. Maribelle, politely knocked on the door and said, "Good morning, may I come in?"

In response, the singing stopped and was replaced by a soft voice saying, "Yes, of course you may."

Maribelle entered, rubbing her eyes. She was preparing herself to see the beholder of that lovely voice.

"Good morning! I'm ever so sorry if I woke you, I honestly didn't mean to," the girl said. "My name is Harmony and I love singing, it helps me feel serene."

"I'm Maribelle, and please don't apologize, I was already up. I was just trying to get my friend up. I swear, she's like Aurora's long lost twin," Maribelle said, giggling.

"So, you're chamber mates with Rose?" Harmony asked.

"Who?" Maribelle questioned.

"Well, Rose is Queen Aurora's daughter. I guess you aren't staying with her," Harmony laughed. "I heard she was named after what the three fairies named Aurora. You know, Briar Rose? I adore that name!"

"Oh, how sweet of Queen Aurora. I can't believe I haven't met her. I'm actually the granddaughter of the Fairy Godmother, though my magic is nowhere near as perfect," Maribelle said, completely introducing herself.

"How incredible, that sounds like the perfect family there! Anyway, I'm the daughter of Ariel, the Little Mermaid," Harmony said, curtsying. Laughing, Maribelle returned the gesture. "So, who's your friend that won't awaken?"

"Her name is Faith, daughter of Cinderella," Maribelle answered. "She's kinda shy, but she'd love to meet you, I'm sure."

"I'd love to meet her. In fact, maybe I can help you wake her," Harmony offered.

"That'd be a big help!" Maribelle exclaimed, running towards the door. "Also, before I forget, I adore this room!"

The room had the same stature as every other, but it held more plant life, and an aquarium. Not to mention, there were three beds.

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