Chapter 12

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*Astrids is telling the story*

I was thirteen. Mala was eighteen. Our parents died a few years ago so she became Chiefest. And there was a meeting coming up for all the Chiefs of the nervy tribes.

Having no choice she left and left Throk in charge because he was older than me. Way older.

Anyway, the meeting was to renew the treaty that kept peace between several tribes in the archipelago.

That's where she met Viggo.

First there was a feast before the treaty was sighed again and Viggo approached Mala. He asked where she was from because she didn't look firmialr. Mala told him the she was the new Cheif. And the fact that we respected dragons and didn't kill them.

Viggo started acting really friendly after that. He asked about the dragons on our island and around our island.

Mala liked his manors and invited him home to see. Mala had never met Viggo before that meeting. So she knew next to nothing's about him. He was impressed with the dragons we had back home and how we respected them and lived in peace with them. Or so we thought.

I never really like him but I noticed that he and Mala were really close. He even started to call her M after several visits.

And one day he.... He asked her to go out with him.

"Whoa whoa whoa" Hiccup interrupted Astrid waving his hands. Viggo Grimborn asked Mala out"?!

Astrid rolled her eyes. "Yes he did. And mala said yes".

Heather gagged. "I'm sorry. Mala said Yes to going on a date with Viggo Grimborn??

Astrid huffed. "Yes she did. And I was disgusted too. But it's not like I could do anything about it. Viggo planned a surprise and I knew nothing about the date".

Hiccup was staring at Astrid in shock. "So what happened"?


Astrid was cut off when as mall squeak entered the air. Astrid looked up and saw a purple terrible terror flutter down and lab on Hiccups arm.

"Terror mail" Hiccup said and pulled the small scroll off the leg and let the terror go.

"What's its say" Heather asked stepping closer.

Hiccup read the letter, his frown growing and growing. "It's from Viggo" he grumbled and crushed the paper in his fist. "He wants to meet".


The next day Heather and Hiccup mounted their dragons on the landing strip of the stables. Astrid was standing next to Hiccup, gripping her axe so hard he knuckles were white. She was staring out at the ocean.

Hiccup looked over at her and placed a hard on her shoulder. "I'll be fine Astrid. I promise".

Astrid finally looked at him and sighed. "Just be careful. I would go with you but I don't fly".

"You never told us why though" Heather pointed out. "Why don't you".

Astrid looked at the ground and bit her lip. After that ether arrived yesterday the story of why Astrid didn't fly was the last thing on anyone's mind.

"I-" she stammered. "I'll tell you guys later. Good luck" she turned and ran away, not noticing the longing look she got from Hiccup.

He watched her go, disappointed but turned to Heather. "Come on".


Astrid sat on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She was recalling a dream from last night.

Well it was Mala's history but with different people. Astrid was Mala and Hiccup was Viggo.

"Sorry A" He snickered, then yanked on the dragons horns and Astrid when falling and falling and falling.

Astrid shuddered. Hiccup wouldn't do that to her. Right?


Hiccup and Heather circled around an island in the middle of nowhere. "There's Viggo" Heather pointed to a small blur in the middle of the island. Hiccup nodded. "I see him. I'm going to see what he has to say. Keep watch for me".

Hiccup glided Toothless down towards Viggo. And slid off. He slowly walked up to Viggo. "Ok what do you want"?

Viggo looked up at Hiccup and smirked. "Right to the point I see. Well actually I wanted to talk to you about Astrid".

Hiccup hands turned to fists. "What about Astrid"?

Viggo leaned back. "Oh I'm just saying its a big shock that Mala actually let Astrid leave. You'd think she'd be smarter".

Hiccup gritted his teeth. "Why did you ask Mala out"?

Viggo raised an eyebrow. "Astrid must like you a lot of she told you that. But hey can't a guy ask a girl out. Isn't the fat one and Heather dating"?

"This isn't about them" Hiccup snapped. "You were already a Cheif. What did you have to gain from asking Mala out"?

Viggo smirked. "Clearly Astrid hasn't told you the full story. Oh just a another quick question. Has she ever mentioned the Erutadon"?

I say I'll update on Friday but I make you guys wait forever😂

My Bad.

So I really hate my stupid geology class. And the teacher. 😡

But whatever.

At least I have the entire week off next week. Two more days.

Ok I'll try to update friday.


Ok bye👏😋

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