Chapter 36

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Astrid panted as she rode across the waves and out to sea. She needed to think. Too much had just happened. She barley had any idea about the man who saved her yet he let her escape. She had stolen someone's boat and quickly rode out to see. She finally stopped to catch her breath once she was sure no one was following her. She just wanted to go home.

Her boat floated towards a sea stack and she tried desperately to catch her breath. As she passed by the seas stacks, she caught sight of the insignia plastered across the sail and her hopes soared.


Despite how winded she was, Astrid jumped overboard and began to swim as fast as she could towards the boat, her muscles cramping. She refused to quit.

After what seemed like forever, she finally managed to grab the boat side, panting desperately. She took several deep breaths before climbing the boat. It was hard, but Astrid really wanted to see her sister again.

Finally her hand grabbed the rail to the ship and was able to pull herself over the edge and flat onto the deck. She lay there, gasping for breath. That was awful! She barley had enough energy to raise her head to see her sister, Hiccup and Heather discussing something, their backs to her.

Astrid struggled to stand up and made a weak call for Mala. Luckily for her, Mala heard something and whirled around, her mouth falling open. "Astrid"! She shouted and ran across and engulfed her sister and a huge hug, that once again knocked the air out of her. "Hey Mala" Astrud chocked. "Now if I could just-- BREATH"!

Mala instantly released her. "Sorry"! Then she hugged Astrid again, but not as hard. When Mala let go Astrid was smushed into another hug, this one from Heather. "I'd thought I'd never see you again" she glowed and released Astrid. "Don't scare me like that"!

Astrid gave a weak laugh. "Sorry". Her eyes glazed over the two smiling girls then fell on Hiccup who was looking at her, worried. "Are you ok"?

Astrid thought about being mad at him, for leaving her back at Viggo's ship. But she wasn't. Hiccup didn't work for Viggo and is Hiccup stayed, he would have been captured too and might not of been able to save her in the first place.

"Yeah I'm good" she answered then leaned forward and hugged him. He stood frozen for a second, before loosely putting his hands on her back. Astrid smiled and pulled back. "Also I'm sorry for not believing you when you said you didn't work for Viggo. I know you don't".

Hiccup blinked. "But- but, I thought-". Astrid smiled. "Viggo couldn't keep his mouth shut" she told him. "I trust you".

Hiccups smile could of lit up a whole city. "Finally. Thank Thor". Astrid smiled back at him until she remembered the only reason she was here. "He's captured"!

"Who" Heather asked seriously. Astrid began to pace. "That guy with the black cloak! He freed me and he got captured while I ran away. He's still back there"!

Hiccups eyes narrowed. "Not for long. Heather get the riders. We're going to need them". Heather nodded and rushed off. Hiccup turned to Mala. "Ok Mala, I'll never ask you again but I need you to ride a dragon".

Mala gave him the coldest look, Hiccup thought he'd get frostbite. "I know, I know, I know" Hiccup waved his hands. "But this might be our only chance. Besides, won't it be great to prove to Viggo that you can ride dragons too"?

Mala was quiet for a long time. Astrid looked at Hiccup sadly. "Come on sis. Please".

Mala glared at Hiccup one last time before she let out a long sigh. "Fine! Only if you promise we're getting my dragon back"! Hiccup quickly nodded. "Deal"! He raised his fingers to his lips and made a dragon call. A green dragon bounced into view and Mala slapped her forehead at the sight of the gronckle. "Thor help me" she muttered then glared at Hiccup. "You owe me big time for this"!

Hiccup sighed. "Your gonna have to stand in line". He called for Toothless and the night fury raced over. Hiccup pulled himself up just as the other riders showed up, battle ready. "Alright guys! We're only gonna have one shot at this! Remember we save the Erputadon then Dag- I mean the cloaked guy, then we figure out a plan for there. Any questions"?

"What's his name" Heather demanded. "We have a right to know"! Hiccup gulped and looked at Fishlegs who shrugged. "His name is umm, Bob, you happy"!

"We didn't have time to argue" Astrid reminded everyone and pulled herself up behind Hiccup, who looked at her surprised. "We can deal with his name later"! Heather was upset but shook her head. Astrid was right.

"You know who it is" Hiccup whispered and Astrid nodded. "If he doesn't tell her, I will"! Hiccup sighed. "He needs to be the one to tell her". "She has a right to know" Astrid hissed.

"Hey"! Mala shouted form the top of the dragon. "Are you two gonna flirt all day or are we going to save my dragon"!

Hiccup and Astrid turned red. "We're coming"! He opened Toothless's tail fin and shot into the air, the rest of the riders following behind.





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