Before I go dark.

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I wrote this inspired by not only my struggles but many before mine, when I didn't know I was struggling because I became heartless & then was used & abused for far too long before I finally killed the old me to become something more than just another social causality.. Now, I get on my knees & pray because I lost so much & still help ones who I thought destroyed me & I wasn't looking to be saved I was on a path of destruction in a world of darkness. Then someone just as dark ignighted a small flame & though I tried to extinguish this, it got brighter & he was & is the love of my life. I  love him so much for saving me from myself. He, too, has demons & together we fight them. Tame them. Some just aren't meant to be tamed.   This life is not for The Weak.
This is for you guys, the ones I've helped along the way to my path of success, still fighting & never giving up because of you all. Wrote this on one of the worst days of my 26 years. Life is tough & I still help you guys because you do the same for me. Whether we met through our love for Lady Gaga or our passions for music, art, films, Bowie, ships, fashion, Niall Horan... Ashton Irwin ;) or just as writers... my love runs deep for you all. So many different battles we have fought but when I think about it they're so alike in how broken we get.
Here it is... it's not much but I tried all day to word this right because we all have demons, but not all can relate. Some can't be tamed, as I said before. They're just part of us, I think.

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