Chapter 12

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 (Links POV)
it wasnt the favt that hed broken up with me about a week ago that I was upset about... its the fact that he one, didnt let me say anything, (which I cant get over) and two, that when I left a letter, he litterally brought ut iver, sat it on my oirch with a ketter of his own telling me to stop.

Im holding the acurside peice of paper in my hand. It's crumpled and im  pacing the room, fighting back tears. Its hard, really hard. I really loved him, and I get hat its hard on him but... he doesnt have to be so fucki g rude about it! Uhg, I need to go for a walk. I put on my boots, adjusted my hat and left my house.

As I walkinto town I pass the mask shop. Of  course, ben just HAS to be outside. He looked up at me, glared then cuddled closer to felix. I looked away from them, I couldnt stand to see them. It sickened me.... the way they pretend to love eachother, I quickened my pace and   walked to zeldas house. She got home as k arrived there.

"Oh! Link! Hey, whats up?" "We really need to talk.." I said, fighting tears again. She noticed something was up and her face turned somewhat panicked. "Just give me a second" she rusheed Into her house and came out a few mins later. "Start talking" I told her about how heartbroken I was to see ben acting like this. We were walking around town and such. One thing I loved about zelda, is she always listens when you speak.

I finished explaining everything to her. she took my hand. "im  not one to do this normally but follow me." she dragged me farther into toen. "where the hell are we going?" I asked, seriously  confused. she looked back and smirked then looked forward again.

when the mask shop started to come into view, she tightened her grip. "no, zelda dont you dare" she didnt say anythung, she just kept walking. I didnt fight her though cause, a little part of me wanted to see ben.

we walked in and the little bell rang. there wasnt alot of people Inside, just one or two browsing the shelves. ms looked over at us and plastred that fake smile on his face "how can I help you?" he asked, as he walked up to us. ben looked up from his phone and me and him locked eyes for a second, then he looked back down. sadness washed over my face and I duf my nails into her hand. she fot the hint "just looking" she relied, smiling. my nails were still I  her hand.

ms walked back to the desk and ben watches him. he then locked eyes with me and have a me a cocky smile then looked over at the breakroom door as felix walked out. the last thing is saw was him and ben kissing as zelda dragged me back out of the mask shop.

she pryed my finger aff her hand and rubbed where my nails were. "sorry" "its fine" ben and felix came out of the shop and zelda stepped in front of ben. "move" he stated sternly. "make me you fucking asshole" ben  clenched his fists and grunted. "bitch" "excuse me?" "you heard me, bitch" zelda pursed her lips and then slapped him, hard. "The fuck woman?!?" "thats for being such a dick ben" she turned, grabbed my arm and dragged me along with her.

(Bens POV)

Ow, like... Seriously... OW! She slaps hard. Felix was glaring at them and I looked in that direction. Zelda pulled link closer to her and hugged him. Was link crying? Hell if I know. "you ok?" "im fine, she didn't hit me that hard" I lowered my hand and Felix kissed my cheek. my ears went back and I blushed a bit. He chuckled and poked my nose. "Come on..." he smirked.

We left after telling MS we were going home and when we got inside, his lips immediately pressed against mine. His hands slid down to my waist as the kiss intensified and I could already feel the resistance of my little buddy in my tights. Felix got the hint and pulled away. I blushed slightly as he smirked at me and traced his hand directly across that area before grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bedroom.

I don't know why I let him fuck me. I don't know why I let him touch me all over. I don't know why I let him kiss me, but I did. I missed Links touch slightly but pushed it aside. This was Felix and I's Moment, Not Link and I's. I gripped the bed sheets tighter and tighter as I got closer to climaxing. He jerked me off as he thrusted.

We climaxed and he collapsed onto me. Our lips locked and we kissed as we came. he pulled away and our panting filled the otherwise silent room. He rolled off me and laid next to me, his fingers entwined in mine. we were sweating and there was Cum on both of us. The front door closed and Kid came in the house. We heard his voice as he talked with Felix's father.

"Shit" we both said at the same time. "uh.... fuck, we should have gone to my house" "no, um... shit, shit, shit! I don't know what we do." Felix stumbled out of the bed and up to the door. He then locked it and came back over. "What do we do about... this?" I said, motioning to our chests. "um..." Kid walked up tot he door and tapped on it. "Boys?" me and Felix exchanged a look. "Yeah?" I answered, slowly. "I need to talk to you." my eyes widened and I told Felix to say something with my eyes. he got the hint. "uh... we cant come to the door at the moment." there was a moment of silence.. "are you boys.... no, god nevermind." we heard his footsteps shuffle away from the door quickly. The front door closed.

"is there anyone else here?" I wondered out loud. "no idea" He peaked out he door. "hello?" Silence. He asked it again louder and there was still no response. "I think we're good" he said, closing and relocking the door. The bathroom was right across the hall so we could easily run over quickly. And we did just that. Once we were safely inside. He locked the door and we took a shower. "your adorable benny..." he ran his hand down my chest and kissed my neck. "Je t'aime ben, Je t'aime tellement." He whispered in my ear. French, he was speaking French. I know enough French to know what he said 'I love you Ben, I love you so much' "I love you too Felix..."

(Links POV)

Me and Zelda stand here, in my living room, her hands on my shoulder, mine around her waist. Our lips locked and tongues twisting together. This was a totally heat of the moment thing too....

we were just standing here in silence. We had just broken from a hug... Staring into each others eyes, we both leaned in.

That's how we got to this make out session we're having now. I pushed her against the wall and kissed her neck. "link" she moaned. "Link please, don't take it any farther" I broke away. "Sorry" I took a step back from her and blushed. "I-its fine" She blushed slightly and pecked me on the cheek. "I should get going ok?" "alright..." "bye link" "bye" she smiled as she left. I just made out with my best friend... strangest thing was though... I wasn't thinking about ben...


yay! More cliffhangers! I'm so fucking evil! *laughs evilly*

anyway, I seriously need sleep, its like... 6am and grrrr! XD



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