Chapter 13 (Finally part 1)

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sorry, im raging at Link Between Worlds XD

anyway, I wrote this chapter earlier, it got deleted cause my cp crashed, then I got lazy and decided to play LOZ and now im updating cause im inspired XD




(Ben's POV)

"WHAT?!?!" I screamed, after hearing some slightly, no more like extremely shocking news. a few people glanced over in our direction. "Ben calm down, you're causing a scene" "I don't fucking care!" More people looked over and MS looked over at them then grunted. "Ben please" he said through gritted teeth. "Im 18 stop treating me like im 2!" "Start acting your age and ill treat you like your age okay" I clenched my fists. almost all the store was staring at us by now. I clenched my jaw and pursed my lips. Then plastered a fake smile on my face and simply turned on my heal, and walked straight out of the shop. So Felix isn't real huh? I felt my heart crumble to nothing more than dust. My smile faded and I felt my eyes change. I sped up and fought the tears that were threatening to spill over the edge. Felix isn't real... That was all a sick joke... They started falling and I started running. I got to the small path that led up to the tiny neighborhood I lived in and walked up it. Links house was the second one on the left... I passed it slowly and he was looking out the window. he looked bored. He caught me eye and did some what of a double take before lifting his head off his arms and looking at me. I quickly looked away from him and ran home.

(Links POV)

I was staring out the window, bored as hell. Zelda was in the kitchen baking or something, shed certainly yell at me if she saw me sitting on the back of the couch. woman are complicated. Ben walked past my house, the red in his eyes, looking at me. I didn't think anything of it. Wait. I snapped my head up and looked at him. he saw me and then looked away and ran. I continued to look in the direction he ran with the same, half shocked expression on my face. He looked so sad. I wish I could visit him... He wont wanna see me though. "Link" Zelda said in an accusing yet playful tone, dragging out the 'I' in my name. I looked back at her. "yes?" I replied, in the same tone. She chuckled, "sit right silly" I jumped off the back of the couch and sat Indian style on the seat part. She giggled then sat next to me. "What's up?" "nothing much, um... do you care if I kinda ditch you here for a bit? I wanna go pay a friend of mine a visit." "okay, Navi will keep my company" Navi squeaked. "what about me?" "nothing silly, but until linky gets back, its a girls night." "Linky?" "yeah, that's your new nickname" I chuckled "alright then" I chuckled again and ran up the steps to my room. Opening the closet, I took out the case and unclipped it. The light from outside bounced off the silver metal of my sword and blinded me for a second. I took it out and set it on my bed then went over and grabbed my holster off the hook on the closet door. I adjusted it and then slid the sword inside with one swift movement. Lowering my hand, I adjusted my gloves and walked out of my room. "I should be back in a few hours" I said as I got downstairs. Zelda looked over at me. "be back before dinner or ill kill you" I chuckled and flipped my hair out of my face. "alright fine" She kissed me on the cheek and her and navi raced off to the kitchen.  

I walked down the sidewalk, nervous as hell. It was like I was meeting him for the first time... my gloves were making my already sweating hands, sweat more so I took them off. The bandage on my wrist came into view and I flinched from the memory. for a second, I heard the beeping of he monitor in the hospital room. I snapped out of my trance when his house came into view. he was sitting on his porch smoking. I Hid myself from him and the fucking bush made a rustling noise, he looked up. I really hope he doesn't see me. I moved a bit causing the bush to rustle again. He looked curious, oh shit, please don't come over here. He got up and put out the cigarette before glancing back at the bush and then going inside. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and slowly backed away from the bush. I then had to decide if I should go home, which would defiantly make Zelda question why I was back so early, it hadn't even been a half hour since I left my house. I took a deep breath, flipped my hair, and walked towards his house.

As I approached the steps, I sent a silent prayer that M.S. and Kid weren't home. I took another deep breath and raised my fists, as I exhaled I knocked on the door. For a second, I thought of backing out and running but before I could even finish that thought, a very Red eyed ben opened the door. And no, his eyes weren't black, I mean they were red as in bloodshot. the sea blue was a dull grey color and he looked so fucking sad. his expression changed from sad to shocked and he took a step back from the door. "w-what?..." he asked, in a low, raspy voice. he sounded like he had been crying. I could get words to form, I knew exactly what I wanted to say but I couldn't make the damn words come out. "If you have no reason to be here then just leave..." I looked at him for a second before stepping up and wrapping my arms around him. "l-link what are you.." "shhh,...." "but..." before any other words could escape his mouth, my lips were pressed against his.

(Ben's POV)

Why was he  here....? Why was he kissing me...? Why does he trust me...? His arms were wrapped around my waist and his lips were pressed hard against mine. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him and kissed back. Within a few minutes, we were kissing with tongue and all, I was holding on to him thinking that if I let go, I could never hold him again. He was doing basically the same thing. M.S. came home and saw us and immediately fired up in rage, but we didn't break apart. His yells faded as my world became black, it was just me an link, nobody else. This moment couldn't be ruined by anyone.

Nothing.... can tear us apart...


there is two chapters left in this book then there will be an epilogue. But don't worry, there is gonna be a third book. ^-^


Go ahead and try (Book two) (Ben DrownedXLink Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now