When I looked around as I appeared in a grassy area. I noticed a lot of people starring at me strangely, I hurried away avoiding confrontation. I didn't ask dad exactly how to find them, I figured I would find them somehow. My body was quivering, is this what cold felt like? It's terrible how can people stand this? I pull my jacket closer to me trying to get warm. I hid the blade in the back of my pants under my jacket. If this is were I popped up then this is most likely were the first one is. I decided to ask the nearby people some questions. I first spoke to a kindly old man. "Excuse me sir but you wouldn't have happened to have seen some suspicious looking people around here would you?" I ask him. "Son, this is New York. Everybody here is suspicious." He told me. I chuckled a bit and thanked him. I walked around a bit before I noticed a girl reading a book in the shade. I had never seen a female before. I lived my entire life in the castle, I never had seen a female before. I approached her slowly and sat down next to her. "Hello." I said. "Oh my god!" She said jumping. "You scared me!" She exclaimed. "Sorry. I just wanted to ask you some questions." I said. She looked at me as if she was sizing me up. "Okay," She said. "Ask away." She sat back down. "Have you seen any extra weird characters out here today?" I ask. "Yes I did actually. This morning, two dudes were laughing like crazy and kept saying 'It worked!' and they headed downtown." "Is that all you saw?" I asked. "Yeah that's it I've been sitting here all day." She said. "It was only the two of them?" I asked. "Um... Yeah, there were only two of them." She said as if straining to remember. "Okay well," I stood up. "Thank you." I said starting to walk away. "Wait!" I heard her yell. "What's your name?" She asked. "Damion." I told her. And walked the direction she said they went.
Hell's Angel On Earth
AdventureFourteen year old Damion has been raised in Hell his whole life. Everything changed one day when Hell's gates closed and souls stopped coming. The only way to re open them is to find the spirits that escaped.