Ch. 2 The gates are closed

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It's been two months since my father told me I would take over when he died. I'm not gonna say that I am excited for him to die but, I am. I mean don't get me wrong I love my father but I have dreamed of being the ruler of Hell ever since I was a little kid.

"What happened to the gates?" I hear my father say. I run to my fathers side l. "What happened dad?" I ask. "Just look!" I look where he is pointing. The gates were closed, the gates were never closed. "What happened dad?" I ask him. "I don't know son they just closed and they won't open." He said clearly upset. "The only reason I could think of is someone went back to earth from this side." He said. Someone going back? That's never happened before. "How do we get them back?" I asked him. "Someone has to go to the surface and find them. I would do it myself but I cant leave hell... Damion, you can go!" He exclaimed. "How?" I asked puzzled. "I have something to show you. Follow me." He said walking off. I followed him, we walked past rooms I've never seen before. And into a chamber at the end of the hall. In the middle of the room was a small blade with a glowing red orb in the hilt. He picked up the blade and handed it to me. "When you find them use this." He said. "How do I get there?" I asked taking the blade. "Drink this." He said handing me a vial of clear liquid. "And how do I get back?" I asked. "Just die, good luck son." He hugged me and went back outside. "Down the hatch I guess." I drank the fluid and everything went dark.

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