chapter 3: Telling rennesme

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hey guys hope you enjoy this hope it is not a boring book comment your opinion i lov any type of feedback . Here is chapter 3



We could wait to tell nessie she was having to new siblings, but we didnt know quite how to tell her 

''Maybe we shoould tell her the minute she gets home. I wont be able to hold it in much longer if we dont tell her when she gets home'' I suggested while bouncing up and down in Edwards lap

''What a splendid idea love'' Edward too was just as excited as I was. We always wanted to expand our family even more but was alway thinking of adoption as we thought we could have any more children but we were wrong.

''I cant wait Nessie is going to be a big sister like she always wanted to be and we our going to be awsome parent again, and you will be the best father possible as you were with Nessie and look at what she has turned into , an angel''

''And you will be the best mother like you were and still are with Nessie, and this time thy will never grow at the wrong speed will have proper birthdays and look thier real age''

Just then we heard a knock on our bedroom door in the main house ''Come in'' I called. It was Alice and Rennesme,who looked rather confused at why we came home early without telling her and why we both looked so happy. ''I think im going to leave the happy family alone for a while'' Alice said bouncing out the door.

''Mom, whats going on''

''Well Nessie myself and your mom have some exciting news for you...... your mom is preg.....''

before Edward could finish his sentence Nessie was in our arms crying with happiness ''I cant believe it im going to be a big sister to my little brother or sister''Edward inturped her sentence as she did to him

''As i was saying Ness we have another surprise'' Edward stop to look at me but then continued with a huge smile from ear to ear

''Your mom and I are having twins. We are not sure the sex of the babies yet because your mother is only a few weeks pregnant and we only found out because of Alice'' Edward stopped again to give me a quick kiss ''And they are more human than vampire so they will grow at a normal rate''

Nessie was over joyyed at what she was hearing. We spent the whole night talking about the babies until Nessie fell asleep in Edwards arms.

We went down stairs to everyone in the sitting room. They all congradulated us as thay never really got a chance to since we got home

''Congrats bro, never thought i would be an uncle again never mind twice more'' Emmett began before Jasper butted in to the conversation if you wanted to call it that ''Yeh Bells never thought we would see this day again did we now''

''No but im glad it came and i think so does Alice and Rosalie'' they had spnt much of thier evenning planning the babies bedroom in both the main house and our cottage. They had also organinsed a shopping day to buy every little detail of the babies clothes shoes bedroom hair prams bottles everything, since they would be babies for the right amount of time they would need everything a newborn would something we never needed  for Nessie.

''So when can we find out the sex of the babies?'' Edward asked eager to find out. I think he wanted a boy as then he could teach them how to play football and they could really bond doing father son things. I think i also wanted a boy and a girl cuase they would be the cutest babies going and also the stylish babies around.

''Next week. From what Alice is telling us you are around two months pregnant and so i would be able to see the sex of the baby now and since its more human, which i still cant figure out, it wont be hard to do ultrasound'' Carlisle explained to Edward. It was good to have a doctor in the family because if we didnt i dont know what the medical bill would of came to when i was human.

Himself and Edward spent the next the next several hours until sunrise talking about the abbies just as me and Nessie did before she feel asleep



I woke up bring and early ready for Alice to do me up for school. Today was extra special as just before school we were finding out what momma and daddy were having. momma was still going to school as she didnt hae a baby bump just yet but in a month or so she is going o leave school for a while and so is dad. They are going to say they fell terribly sick and need to recover.

''Its a boy and a girl'' announced grandad. Everyone was smiling and Alice was over joyed just like the day she collected me from school. Mom and dad sat their smiling into eachothers eyes before they kissed which was really gross but they didnt care. Me and Jake went down stairs as we were both grossed out

''Thats cool'' is all Jake said but it was enough.

''I know i cant wait and we will be able to babysit them when mom and dad go out on date nights. It will be so much fun''. It was going to be fun because i got to spend it with Jake. M and Jake have a weird relationship I know he imprinted on me and all and I do love him but Im not sure if im ready to go out with him yet like boyfriend and girlfriend. My parents are okay with us together and think im am always save with Jake around. I feel save with jake around.

Just before we were about to kiss everyone came downstairs smiling and talking

''come on kiddos time for school me and Alice are bringing yous today give your parents some space of their own in thier car''

We all headed off to school for another day off school


hope you enjoyed it. if you think it is boring well i hope it will get better for you. keep an opened mind it is my first ever book.

--gtg melissa xxxxxxxxxx 

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