chapter 4: shopping trip

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hey guys sot hanks toa nyone who is reading really appricate it so heres chappie 4 enjoy



Well I am 5 months pregnant now and everything is great if not perfect. Edward and myself have grown closer if that is even possible. Nessie and Jake are a perfect little couple eventhough they are not offically going out or anything everyone thinks they are perfect together even Edward who now thinks of Jake as a friend and one day son-in-law.Me and Edward have stopped going to school and wont be going back until a year after the babys are born.

Today was the big shopping trip Alice has planned for agaes now. We hav a two page long list of every possible thing we would need for a baby and then we have to multiply it by two. Alice ,Rosalie ,Edward and myslef are the ones going shopping. Im quite excitied as I didnt get to do this when i was pregnant with Nessie. 

''love are you ready'' Edward called from downstairs. Eventhough I was a Vampire it took me a bit longer than everyone else to get ready as i was quite big with carrying twins.

''Just a second just doing my hair'' I came down the stairs in a blue tank top and skinny jeans with high heels

''the three of you look lovely today'' I was confused at what edward was talking about but then i realised he was talking about the babies aswell and then i got why he said three.

We dropped Rennesme of at school along with Jake before going to the mall to meet the other two.

''Have a nice day sweetie, you too Jacob''

''bye mum, bye dad. See you later''

We brought three cars because of all the stuff we would be buying today and we told Emmett to be ready if we ask him to come collect stuff in his jeep. Alice and rosalie was waiting for us in the parking lot and we all walked in together. The first shop we went to was 'Babies world'. We all took a trolley and went off in seperate way to get all the thing we needed. Edward came with me as I didnt want to alone seeing as this was my first time buying this stuff and his too, we wanted to be together.

''Edward this is cute'' I had found a set of clothes for twins that said 'thing one and thing two'. I liked this because i used to love the cat in the hat when i was a baby

''Yes dear i like it too,How about after this we go get cribs''

''why not go now''

Justthen my trolley bumped into another trolley. The other one belonged to Mike  and Jessica friends of mine when i went to school with them , they even came to my wedding. It seemed Jessica was pregnant too and her and Mik was married.

''Bella? Edward?'' They both said at the same time looking rather confused. They both looked ten years older than myself or Edward did and I think they caught onto that

''Yeh its us. Fancy meeting you hear'' I tried to sound as normal as i could so i didnt alarm them that we havent aged

''You dont look any different since the last time i have seen you too. Where have you been''

''Well the whole family moved to Alaska for a few year because Carlisle got a job there but we came back because he liked it more here'' Edward explained ''Oh and thank you for your complment about the way we look, and congradulation on the baby''

''Yeah you too'' i rather confused looking Mike said. I dont think Jessica wrapped her head aorund all what was happening yet until she spoke ''Yeh congradulations guy what are you having''

''Twins, aboy and a girl..... and you''

''A boy...... Twins thats going to be a handfull''

Just as Jesica fnished her sentence Alice and Rosalie appear beside us ''Hey guy we found......Mike, Jessica what a lovely surprise it is to see you hear congradulations'' Alice was shocked to even see them still together never mind having a baby she alway thought they would never last even though she had visions of them together

''Hey alice, Rosalie nice to see you both........Oh look at the time hun we better get going, nice to see you all again bye''

They walked off still rather confused at why we still looked th same but we didnt really mind

''As I was about to say we found almost everything we need in the shop now, we just need you to pick the cribs''

We went over to the cribs where Edward and I picked out two identical pine cribs with winnie the pooh characters painted on them. We payed for them and Edward brought everything bach to the car.When he came back we went for food. I know we are vampires but the two inside arent and they need food but i have got around the smell of it and just swallow it after chewing alittle and i dont feel like throwing up afterward.

''All done'' I announced to everyone one when i was finished

''Good, I thought i was about to throw up''Rosalie said and we all chuckled

We went to a few more shops and bought all the essential for the babies and the headed home. We got home to find everyone waiting for us in th livingroom all with concerned looks on thier faces

''Son'' Carlisle began ''With all the excitement of the twins we never thought of the voultori and what they would do if they found Bella was pregnant''

''But they are human they wouldnt do anything to human babies now would they'' a rather concerned Edward asked

''We dont know and w dont want ot find out either so what ever you do dont let the voultori know okay''

Just then Nessie came in crying ''I want the babies to live momma, they have too, those evil people cant take them can they momma can they'' She finished her last word before bursting out in tears not wanting her brother and sister to get hurt

''Shu shu nothing is going to happen to them we let it okay'' I tried to calm hr but i could so jasper used his power and a wave of calmness came over us all. ''thank you'' I whispered to him

''No problem sis''He said back load enough for everyone to hear.

I loved jasper for evrything he done for me and I think he is thanked enough. Just then lust came into Jaspers eyes and he had Alice up the stairs before Nessie knew thay were gone. ''Where are they gone in such a hurry?'' Rennesme asked

Everyone laughed at her question know the answer and we all replied by shrugging our shoulders and putting a bit of a confused face on.

Nessie went to bed soon after and Edwardand I retreated to our room

''So what our we going to called them?'' Edward asked

''Im not sure for the girl but i was thinking mason for the boy.What do you think''

''I love it . Lets make a deal if you pick the boys name i pick the girls name sound fair?''

''Yeah as fair as it will ever be.''

'' okay then i was thinking allison, ally for short'' I loved the suggestion so much

'' thats a beautiful name, so its mason and allison cullen, how nice''. We decided to go and tell everyone about the names . They all loved them.Myself and Edward retreated to our room for the rest of the night until rennesme wakes in the morning 


Rennesme was up at twelve this morning seeing as she didnt have to school today because it was saturday.I was six months pregnant today and we were throwing a baby shower with some people from school who knew i was pregnant because I had become friends with them and believed they wouldnt tell anyone about it as i was only seventeen to them, but the first thing we had to do was tell Nessie the babies names as Emmett cant keep saying the babies much longer and nearly let it slip when Nessie was eating breakfast.

''Nessie hunni we have good news to tell you'' She was down the stairs in a flash as she knew it was something to do with the babies

''We have decided to call your brother and sister mason and allison cullen''  She absouletly loved the names gave us both a quick hug and then went back upstairs to finish getting ready for the shower.


What did you guys think....... never seen them bump into them too at a baby shop now did you.


I appreciate and feedback good or bad it will make me a better writer

thanks for reading


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