Another Time

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Title: Another Time

AU: No

From Episode: Yes, Season 4 Episode 15.

OC/OOC: Sloane's thoughts may seem OOC for this story but her actions and words aren't too different.

Romantic or Platonic: Romantic on Sloane's side.

Other Info: This one shot is basically what I think would've happened if Sloane didn't tell LaTroy how she felt. Also, read A/N at the end.

Song Recommendation: Nope.

Disclaimer: The Next Step does not belong to me. If it did Sloane would've avoided LaTroy for as long as she could because my queen doesn't need to deal with bullshit.

The left-hand side of a table at Java Junction was currently occupied by a confused Sloane. Sloane had just stormed out on her best friend because he claimed that he had a date with Amy.

'What was I thinking?' pondered Sloane. She fiddled with her black watch, trying to think of all possible reasons for her rudeness.

'I don't hate Amy so it's not resentment,' thought Sloane, 'I suppose it could be annoyance, that he keeps on spending times with her. But that's just pure jealousy. Jealous of what, though?'

Sloane let out an annoyed groan, earning a few looks from the other customers.

"I really should have paid attention in psychology class," mumbled Sloane, placing her head in her hands. A horrifying realisation caused her to stiffen immediately.

'It can't be a crush, can it?' considered Sloane. 'I mean it's not like I think he's cute or anything. Not that he isn't good-looking but just not in a romantic concept. Even though he looks amazing after a workout- NO! NO! NO! Bad Sloane! LaTroy is your best friend and nothing more.'

Her train of thoughts stopped as LaTroy sat down at her table, causing her to look up.

"Hey," greeted Sloane, gazing at him.

'Wow, he looks cute with that smile... What are you thinking!?' Sloane resisted the urge of slapping and making a fool out of herself.

"So I just heard the craziest thing from Henry just now," stated LaTroy, gaining a raised eyebrow from Sloane.

'What could this possibly be?! It's probably some weird sci-fi theory. And wow his jawline is-NO! Not the right time! Now, what is this "crazy thing" from Henry?'

"He thinks that you like me."

Sloane's eyes widened in shock.

'Oh no! Think fast!' panicked Sloane, 'Whatever you do DO NOT tell him how you feel. Because that might lead to rejection, which leads to heartbreak, which leads to a broken and awkward friendship. So DO NOT tell!'

"Well I'd have to like my best friend, you know," said Sloane, stating it in an obvious tone.

'Yep, just play it cool. Cool as ice.' thought Sloane. 'DO NOT ruin your friendship with your best friend with hair that you want to run your fingers through-AH!'

LaTroy rolled his eyes. "I meant like-like me. You know, the romantic kind. Which I know you don't cause we're just best friends."

Sloane felt a pang of heartbreak and let out a fake laugh. "I know, I'm just teasing."

"I knew you'd get it," smiled LaTroy as he stood up. "Anyways I gotta go and get ready for my date with Amy."

"Have fun," said Sloane, half-heartedly as she also stood up and began to walk towards the opposite exit from LaTroy. After she was out of Latroy's sight she let out a sigh.

'Guess that's another thing to hide,' Sloane frowned as she rubbed her arm and continued walking. 'It's just a crush, I'll get over it soon. And if I don't, then telling LaTroy my feelings will have to be for another time.'

Ok, so I'm extremely sorry for abandoning this story for months but writer's block is not easy to get pass. Well not really, it's just that all the ideas I've had are depressing and don't have a good concept. However, I do have and extremely long one shot coming up. Although I don't think anyone reads this because there are hardly any votes *cough* hinting *cough*. School's a bitch but I'll try to update ASAP. Hope you enjoyed! xxx

Also, what do you think Sloane meant by 'Guess there's another thing to hide,'? What could the Sloane in this universe be hiding?

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